36. Chapter

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“We're going out today evening”, my boyfriend informed me. “Oh!” I smiled at him happily and asked where we'd go. “'Heaven Angels’, never been there but Jimin and J-Hope swear it's a good club.” Ah, okay. We'd go out as a group. That was fine too although I must admit that I felt a bit disappointed. It's fine, I told myself since I hadn't been clubbing for a while.

“Can you pick me up at my house?” He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, “Sure thing. I'll tell Jin hyung. Be ready at seven.” “SeVeN!?”, I said a bit too loud and stared at him surprised. Quickly I lowered my voice. “Seven's way too early. They don't open until 9 pm.” He looked at me and I could see his wheels turning until he nodded. “Fine.” Then Namjoon said that he'd call me later, to give me the details. We kissed and I went home.

I had around three hours left before I should start getting ready. Enough time to get my parents permission, paint my nails and watch TV. Said and done. My mum wasn't too eager to let me go out that late when I called her, but she agreed after I promised to leave my phone on. Now, sitting on the sofa, I softly  applied tons of neon green glitter polish while giving myself an headache with Elena and Damon. Omg, I have never witnessed that much relationship drama. But well, usually people don't just get killed and awaken again, so my reality existed under other circumstances.

The house door shut with a click and my dad shouted, “Dea, are you at home?” I switched off the television and turned around to yell back. He came into the living rooms carrying his heavy bag full of files and placed it on a stool. Then he weighed up another bag onto the kitchen table. “Can you please help me put the products into the fridge?” I cried on the inside, scared to ruin my nails, but got up without hesitation anyway. A different reaction might draw his disfavour, which would probably end in me staying at home. So I smiled and helped him.

Uhhh, Vanilla yogurt! My eyes lit up. When we were still in Austria we never bought the flavour Vanilla because my mum thought it had too much added sugar. Indeed we all had the disbelief that it was was even more unhealthy than fruit yoghurts but we found a really good organic brand here. Big cities come with advantages, more different people, different values and allergies - different food stores. Especially my dad had it easier now with his gluten free diet. We  could finally buy food, that not only kept him alive, but also tasted good.

“How was your day, dad?” He nodded, “It was fine, sweetie. Lots of paperwork to do as always and new workers in the company. It's nice to see you at home for a change.” I forced myself to grin. “Well -uhm- I won't be around for too long. The guys invited me to celebrate their last few shows with them.” The man sighed, faced me and sulked a bit. I laughed a little.”Don't worry, they're picking me up after dinner. Let's make open faced grilled sandwiches with tomatoes, cucumbers, ham and cheese. How does that sound? I'm sure mum would love a warm meal when she comes home.”

Dad nodded in agreement and I started cutting the pickles. Soon we were done and put the bread (and his gluten free bread) in the oven. I quickly jogged upstairs to shower. Exactly what I had tried to avoid was happening. Little Dea was running out of time because she didn't know what to wear, yet. The warm water calmed me down so far that I didn't trip again when I left the bathroom. In a haste I pulled out several outfits from my wardrobe only to throw them back in again. I settled for black high-waisted hot-pants and my neon green mash pulli. My parents probably wouldn't let me go out like this, so I added another sweater before hurrying into the basement.

I almost knocked my mum over when I bumped into her whilst running through the foyer. Fortunately I could steady myself on her shoulders. “Excited hmm?”, she grinned at me and freed herself from my involuntary hug. I smiled in embarrassment and told her that we had prepared supper.

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Our family meal went by fast and it was time for me to touch up my look. I excused myself and went to my room again where I applied a mix of brown and reddish eyeshadow and about an ounce of intense highlighter. Then of course mascara and bright red lipstick. With the blue and purple luminescente that often occurred in clubs these measurements were needed. Now the only challenge would be to leave the house unseen.

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