18. Chapter

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POV: Namjoon

The topic had gotten uncomfortable and as bad as I felt for having left Dea alone with it I had to prepare my next lesson. We quickly decided on a plan without the two and I hurried to my office.

I stopped in front of the door and put down the papers I had to work on. Someone cursed when I opened the door and before my eyes stood Yoongi. He was zipping his pants. “Did you pee in my room?”, I tried to joke. Not a clue what was going on here…

“Of course not, Namjoon”, he sent me a glare. “If somebody has the right to be pissed it's me.”, I pointed at myself, “Where were you?! And where is Jimin?”

POV: Yoongi

He turned around to close the door. For God's sake, I had to get Jimin out! I started talking fast to maybe buy the boy more time.

“I spilled my coffee over my crotch I was just fixing it. I got your powers today - so bad. I love these trousers and now they are drenched in coffein.  Not a single clue of the whereabouts of Jimin. I haven't seen him since today morning. Why are you asking? Did he get in trouble?”

“You’re hiding something. Why did you miss the meeting?”

“As I said, I got coffee on my jeans.”

I don't believe you a word Min! Get out of here and move your lying ass into the library.. and if you see the boy that is caught in a lie on your way drag him along.”

“How do you want to know he’ll lie?”

Heck Yoongi, there’s the door! Jin hyung told us.. if it's true.. You will tell me the truth later.”

Damn! I looked down and walked over to the door. My only hope was that ChimChim had sneaked out while we were talking and I just hadn't seen him. Poor baby… I rounded the corner and heard RM slam the door shut.

Ugh, he was really angry! The corridor had emptied so I actually saw the person cowering on the ground when I walked by. “Jimin?” I kneed down and picked him up bridal style. He snuggled into my chest. “Please don't fight hyung. I am really sorry that I forgot about the meeting”, he whispered. “I don't want to fight with RM either but we uh”, I looked at him questioning. He nodded and I continued. “Let's date.. I-I want you to be my boyfriend. They can't do anything against it… and it's my fault. I should have remembered too”, I muttered.

I pushed the heavy wooden door open with my foot and carried Jimin inside the library. He hit my shoulder softly and blushed. “Let me down oppa. This is embarrassing!” Jin glared at me, I frowned and put the younger boy to the ground.

“You aren't even hiding it anymore. Aren't you scared?!”, the librarian yelled in a low tune. I looked at Jimin who stared away intimated and intertwined our hands. Tae said that there is nothing wrong with homosexual relationships and shortly after looked at Jungkook.

Jin, arms akimbo, meant, ”You're so naive and stupid. Goodbye popularity, goodbye BTS!”, he exaggerated. Why did he think this way? I hadn't expected him to go so out of his mind... “-BTS? These gay boys-”, he mimicked his view of our future. “There's nothing wrong with being gay”, he maknae argued while Jimin said that he wasn't homo at the same time.

I raised my hand,”Not gay either - I’m bi. And we are Bangtan Sonyeondan. We are a sign of hope for youth because we talk about social issues many of us experience. Why in the world should we stop when it gets more personal? There are more humans who feel this way and there are also LGBTQ+ ARMY'S! But the point is that we are all human and we made a promise ‘you never walk alone’.”

Dea looked at me smiling widely. “I couldn't have said it any better and same”, she stated. Now all eyes laid on her. The girl laughed nervously, “Don't look at me like that. It doesn't change a thing, okay???” I saw that Seokjin didn't know how to handle the situation anymore at all. He looked truly shocked. Although it hurt I told the others to continue this topic another time and move on to the party organisation.

They had already discussed everything without us and Jin simply gave us orders. The mood was very stiff and Dea and Jimin didn't talk at all. At one point the girl jumped up and ran out of the room after she roasted Jin with death glares and he didn't react.

I gave Tae a sign to watch over Jimin and hurried out after her. The door fell closed right before I could reach it so it took me some time to push it into the other direction again. I looked to my right and left. Breaktime was almost over and students were walking to their classes which made it hard to make out a specific person. She probably went outside. I moved to the side exit fast paced, pulled it open and again looked around me.

She was leaning against a tree when I spotted her and I could only make out her profile. I assumed Dea had her ear plugs in because she didn't turn around when the door slammed shut. Her hands balled into fists, gaze fixated on the smooth skin there. I knew exactly how she felt. I took a careful step towards her when suddenly she tumbled to the ground.

Huh? What happened? Her chest heaved up and then her upper body jerked up. I could only watch as her hands roamed over her face stretching out into the air and sinking down again. Her body went into fetal position then she flicked open like a switchblade. I only realized Dea was dancing when her movements got smoother but her dance was still wild. It was pretty bizarre️ because of the utter silence besides her heavy breathing.

I didn't dare to interrupt the girl. She hadn't seen me yet. Indeed I thought she had her eyes closed the whole time, falls uncontrolled, movements intuitive. She fought - against herself. The technique wasn't too good but the emotions were expressed, well, fiercely and passionate.

A teacher came outside to smoke. He looked shocked. “What the heck!? H--Help her”, he pointed at me and didn't know what to do. “Shhhh! Be quiet and go spread your toxic gas somewhere else!”, I snapped at him in a low voice. She’d be so embarrassed if she knew someone else saw her. The man looked at me wildly and then quickly went inside again.

Was I that intimating? Shortly after she laid down in the grass gasping for air. Ugh~ I’d have to lend my clothes once again - she was drenched in sweat.

I slowly approached her and asked, “Are you okay so far?” What a stupid question. She didn't reply so I bent down and poked her shoulder lightly. “I’m tired. I’m so tired Yoongi.” A deep sigh escaped my parted lips and she sat up with my help. “Let's get you some water. You must be thirsty”, I looked her up and down. She nodded and attempted to get up but then tumbled so I took her arm and went to a bench.

“Wait here”, I said already rushing off. But she didn't. Arguing that she had class in five minutes and she didn't feel nausea️ anymore. “We’re skipping this lesson”, I retorted harshly and grabbed Dea to secure her just in case.

“Yoongi!”, she whined, “I’m really okay. What if I miss a topic?! I really, really need to go now.” I didn't say anything to that. Every respond I could possibly give would've been unnecessary. Her health and happiness mattered more than marks. Although I was able to understand her concerns.. I mean we were still in South Korea.

“First thing imma get something to drink in the classroom and fresh clothes are in my locker so I can change after biology class”, she tried to convince me. Ok I knew her biology teacher wasn't known for being nice towards her students especially if they ran late. So I nodded. “We’ve almost reached the office just let me give you a water bottle and then you can WALK to the biology room”, I said and in my mind added that I had to tell Namjoon or Hobi to write an excuse later.

She bowed slightly after I handed her the bottle. “Drink!” Dea groaned and twisted open the lid before gulping down half of the cold water. After that she clutched her stomach and grimaced. I bet my lashes in fatigue ️and motioned towards the door. The girl hurried off immediately. I sighed and went back to the library to have a nice chat with Seokjin.

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