Different paths

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Dea Taek -blog entry-
10.56pm. 07/10/2015
different paths

As you may or may not know I celebrated my eighteenth birthday a few days ago, making me an official adult in both Korea, and my home country. There comes a lot of change with adolescents. You just wake up that one morning and suddenly you have a pack of paperwork and financials to do. In most schools they don't teach you about that and it's really intimidating, at first - overwhelming.

However, the seriousness of the whole situation hasn't hit me very hard, yet. My parents still pay my bills and my friends keep me entertained. Mentally, I must admit, I don't feel able to end my teen years at all. In my opinion, I’m still a child, learning to live and breathe. The chains of reality are incapable of keeping me on the ground. Just as I learn to fly again and I have dreams. I want to be me, in a free world.

We see this sad pictures too many times of the day. Workers caught in their daily work routine, stressed parents not letting their children have fun, girls who worry to much about their appearance, blind for the beauty surrounding them. Blind to the possibilities they're offered. Too stuck in their vicious circle to break out and live the life of their dreams.

I don't want to be like that, I don't want to become like that. BTS has, is truly inspiring me to fight for the world and the person I want to be. Idealism is a mindset that again and again has changed the world. We should not underestimate it's power. Our power.

Let's fight for our individual wishes, our dreams for a better world. It is awesome to collect various ideas and support others in their BESTREBEN. As well as it is absolutely okay to prioritize some. We all have different values and everyone should focus on a topic that is close to their heart, because that is where I think we can do the best work. We have to find together and it makes no sense to be ashamed of our beliefs. They're not an accident.

I call myself a feminist. Not an equalist. Feminism means the believe that both (all) genders should be treated equally and have the same value. Equalism is mostly a term people came up with after 2cd wave feminism where the movement got interpreted wrongly. It paints pictures of women, who think they're better than men. Women oppressing men. There might be women like this who call themselves a feminist but if they think like that they're mistaken.

Feminism is about males too. Don't you think both sexes suffer under the pressure of our society? Men being titled weak for crying? Boys being ridiculed for liking pink and dolls? Many more examples.

Men who take a year off work to look after they're child(ren) are often portrayed as weak, unmanly. In most cultures it's still the women standing in the kitchen, looking after he household and the man makes his career. And most of the time both of them work! As females are usually paid lower, they work part time. It indeed is not easy as a man to stay at home because the earnings of their partner are usually not enough to make a proper living. So you gotta save! Children need their parents. Their mom and their dad. Both of them, in a perfect case.

I am a girl and let me say that it bothers me, that women are still not treated equally in the 21st century! It's less about what the leaders say, it's about what really happens. For a job chance, where I would maybe be paid equally to men, I visited a school, I hated for two years. It was my decision but I think that women should be paid the same as men in every job so we have the opportunity to do as we like, not having to care about money at such a young age.

LGBTQ+ rights
I am bisexual and cisgender. I know people who are gay, I know people who are hetero-, pan-... all the colours of the rainbow. All should have the same rights and be accepted.

Homosexuality is not a disease! Big shout out to the Catholic church.. I’ve heard so many stories of acquaintances, who have been humiliated and looked down at for their wrong sexuality (aka everything not straight) and I want it to stop.

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