1. Chapter

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I had moved to a new city last week. I had been very excited about it, because my best friend lived there. We had met clubbing and it was no wonder that he was older because I had used my fake ID. He had a well paid job, but he never talked about it.

Mom dropped me off in front of the school. It was an old and huge brick building. Students were going around while chattering. I kissed my mom on the cheek and got out of the car.  If only she could come with me. I was so shy! I looked up to the entrance and took a deep breath then I started climbing the stairs. Hopefully I'd find my way. Keeping my head down, I walked past everyone on the hallways. Just continue Dea, it can't be far anymore, I tried to cheer myself up. Eventually I had to look up. Guess what! Yeah, I had gotten lost.

As I turned around, slowly panicking, I spotted a silhouette that looked way too similar. No it couldn''t be. I walked up to the sunshine. Omg, it was definitely him! "Hobi?", I frowned and wrapped my arms around him tightly from the back. The adult twisted his body and hugged me back surprised. J-Hope pulled away slightly uncomfortable since almost all the girls turned to look at us.

What are you doing here, Dea?", he whispered and eyed me up seriously.  "Ahm, going to school obviously. I told you I am moving this month. But why are you here. I thought you were working! I am so confused." "Shh, I am working as a teacher for dance and social studies", he said smirking. I gasped, "Are you kidding me? You are a teacher, honestly. Why didn't you tell me? I must have asked a thousand times and you would never spill."

He sighed, "Look, I was scared you would reject our friendship. I didn't know how to tell you. Dea, you openly displayed your hate for school. For a reason of course, I just didn't... I mean it doesn't really matter, does it?" "Don't worry Hobi. I asked you constantly because it meant nothing to me", I glared at him. He looked down a little sad. "I'm sorry", we said at the same time.

He shook his head smiling. "It's okay. I'll make it up to you. You're my best friend and I shouldn't keep secrets from you." "Since you are here, start right now and please show me to the secretary. You know me - with my great sense of orientation I've been walking through every aisle,except the one I'm looking for." W--wait..did he say 'keep'? What else is that boy not telling me? Hoseok nodded to my question and lead me down the hallway.

- - - - -

"Here is your timetable, Miss Taek. I hope you feel welcome at our school, now go or you will miss your first lesson", the nice elderly secretary shooed me out. I was finally holding the holy piece of paper in my hands and I immediately passed it on to J-Hope. Urgh, school. He studied my plan intensely and handed it back to me with a smile. "Lucky girl. You have got a bunch of nice teachers...", with that he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. I took a quick glance too and he's my first period.

"Come on Dea. Class has already started and we are in another building." I groaned and started jogging down the empty hallway. Hobi imitated me but kept speeding up and I got out of breath. I coughed, "I am first", and outran him while enjoying the rush. I lost. Of course. I've never won against him. Still not. My cheeks were burning and J-Hope laughs at me.

The pupils were fooling around and playing with their phones, but the noise quickly died down after we stepped into view. I got a few surprised looks. Yeah, being new is so cool. A boy winked at me awkwardly and I smiled back. J-Hope told me to sit down without introducing myself. The boy patted the empty seat next to him and I sat down on the messy first-row-desk.

"My name is Jimin. And yours?" the boy whispered into my ear. "Dea" "It's always a pleasure to sit next to such a beautiful girl, Dea. Will you have lunch with me?", he giggled. Oof, what was that. Is he flirting with me? Another boy interrupted my thoughts. "Take it slow Jimin. She's not yours yet. Give the rest of us a chance too", he smirked. The class giggled and Jimin and I both blushed. He's cute.

"Taehyung" Hoseok raised an eyebrow at him. So that was his name. Taehyung went back to taking notes without another word. I reached into my backpack and put my my scratchpad in front of me. I scribbled down a message for Jimin and slipped it into his hand after class. Then I waited for Hoseok.

I didn't exactly know how to act around him, with being his student at the moment. He gathered his things and asked for my next lesson. "Room T12, geography", I cringed while saying it. He had the decency to grin because he knew I hated it. "Let's go. You don't want to miss your favorite class."

The next two teachers didn't show any mercy with me. I was the welcomed victim to all kind of questions. Being new is so annoying. I guess those are not the nice teachers Hobi was talking about.

After running around in circles I finally got to the cafeteria. Useless to say that I had spent half of lunchtime searching. Jimin spotted me in the crowd and waved me over to their table. I sat on the bench next to Taehyung. "Oh, Tae told me about your new fling", a boy from our table teased. Jimin bluntly ignored him and introduced me to the squad. "This is Dea, not my fling. She is in sc with V and I." The boys smiled, except for one, he looked like he was sleeping.

"I am Jungkook. Nice to meet you", the boy who had teased Jimin said. The one similar to grumpy cat only spoke when Jimin poked his shoulder. "I am Yoongi." I waited for something else but that's it. "Ah Suga!!!", Jungkook called out squeezing his cheek, "warm up a bit." "I really don't bite until you do", I joked. "But I do", Yoongi mumbled, got up in response and left our table. I hadn''t wanted to scare him away therefore I felt a little bit guilty. In the meantime the others were snickering in amusement.

"Oh, our moody hyung", Jimin said. "Where is your next lesson, Dea?", Tae asked while getting up. I took a look full of hatred at my schedule. "Room F2 35" "Oh, I'll accompany you then if you don't mind. That's also where I am headed." Actually I did mind, but I'd rather pull myself together and walk with Tae than stray around for another 10 minutes. So I agreed.

After some time he shifted his body to me, still walking. "So you are ChimChims new babygirl." "No, I am nobody's baby except my parents", I snarled. "You don't know what you are getting yourself into." I looked at him closely, he was weird. "Is there anything you want to tell me, Tae?", I fake smiled.

He chuckled and I stared at him paralyzed. His voice really got me goosebumps back then and his smile..fuck.  "Babygirl we are the top team. Don't deny it, everybody wants us. Sooner or later trust me." What the heck just happened?! Is he out of his mind? "What's wrong with you? You must have hit your head as a little child. What makes you so sure of yourself?", I asked with disgust lingering my voice.

Taehyung laughed a bitter laugh. "You really don't know, do you? I'd recommend you browse BTS or you ask somebody in this school." What's BTS? You? Big time shitbrain?" "I think you just insulted your best friend - poor girl. He didn't tell you anything. It is the shortcut for our boyband Bangtan Boys. We are fairly popular..." "For you it's still big time shitbrain", I muttered under my breath. "See you after class babygirl", he shouted after me as I entered English literature class.

Hi guys! This Chapter is finally edited so it's in the right tense :)

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