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After Yui came home from school with her baby infant Lou. She noticed Lou was getting bitten by one of the Sakamaki's except Subaru who has been trying his best to protect her. As Yui sat on her bed with Lou in her arms. She burst into tears as her door opens. It was Subaru who came in.

"Yui what's the matter?,"

"I can't live here, Lou got bitten too many times from the triplets and now she's suffering health problems,"

Subaru clenched his fist, anger built him, he wanted to run out and beat the triplets up right now but he had to comfort Yui and Lou. He hugged them and stroked there hair again.

"I really hate this place" she cried into his chest as Lou cried.

"Do you want to leave withLou and never come back?" he asked as she nodded her head

"Yes" she whispered

"Then I'll help you" Yui's eyes widened.

"R-really?" she asked him, he nodded which made her smile. Yui hugged Subaru which shocked him, he blushed at her action "Thank you Subaru-kun" Subaru just nodded. Yui let Subaru hold Lou for five minutes. Then he got up.

"Get some rest you two," Yui nodded at the kind vampire, he helped her and Lou get under the covers, just as he was about to leave. Yui started to say something.

"Really, thank you Subaru-kun" Yui said, she then lightly kissed his knuckles which made him blush, she let go of his hands and closed her eyes, going to sleep. Subaru started at the girl before leaving her room.

The next day, It was almost a full moon but luckily Subaru helped Yui pack her stuff with a big bag. The rest of the brothers were in the demon world talking to there father with business.

"Yui, Ill give you money so you can take a bus, get help and other stuff. Do not return to your house. They know where it's at," Subaru said as Yui nodded. I'll give my number to you if you need anything. Also I'll have a taxi take you to your station and find someone to live that'll take care of you and Lou. Don't live with your father, he's dangerous.

"Thank you Subaru, I won't go to my old house. I'll take your number. I'll find someone to live with that will take care of Lou and I. I don't need to see my father since he abandoned me," Yui said as Subaru gave her a hug.

After half-an hour, Subaru gave Yui his number, money and some food to take. Then he ordered a taxi to take Yui to a max train. Yui gave Subaru one last hug and he kissed Lou's head.

"Promise to not say anything to your brothers about this,"

"I promise,"

"thank you,"

"Goodbye Yui and Lou. Take my silver knife in case. We'll meet again someday," Subaru said as Yui took the knife and got in the car with her baby and left.

As an hour went by. The taxi driver dropped off Yui and her baby at the train station Yui got out of the car. It drove away and Yui started running again to the train.

"I can do this' she told herself. She made it so far, she couldn't give up now. She clutched the knife Subaru gave her in her right hand. Then put it in her bag and pulled the blanket to wrap Lou to keep her warm. Who knew when she would get another opportunity like this? She could only pray to god to help her. Hopefully, he would help her this time. As she neared the train station she kissed Lou's forehead.

Once she got to the ticket booth she dug into her jacket pocket thankful to find the money Subaru gave her. Then had brought more with her the day she came to the mansion with Lou. She didn't need to use money for anything as she would only go to school or buy baby stuff for Lou. The ticket lady handed her two tickets which she nervously took and got onto the train with her baby. The train would be leaving in 2 minutes so she quickly got on and sat down in her seat. She was exhausted, scared, anxious and nervous and quickly fell asleep with Lou in her arms. She was going to find someone to live with. Then take Lou to the doctors office.

Yui woke up to the train attendant shaking her awake, she immediately jumped away from her and smacked her hand away.

''Ummm, Miss? Is everything alright?'' she asked with a frown. Is your baby alright?

Yui suddenly remembered where she was with Lou. But she felt as if people bug her.

''Oh yes! Of course! I'm sorry about that!'' she squeaked out as she turned red. My baby is okay, she's just tired.

The attendant just nodded before she walked away to attend to the other passengers. Yui looked at the time, she would have been getting ready for school about now and getting her daughter ready for day care. By the time she got home and was asleep, they would be waiting for her and Lou at the limo. She nervously chuckled at the thought of them waiting for an hour. The train came to a halt and announced the stop. 'That was faster than I thought' she thought as she got off. She walked out of the train station and went to the city.
Yui found a old box behind a building. Then went inside it with her baby and wrapped Lou in the blanket. For the first time and a long time Yui and Lou Komori went to sleep.

Yui is and was so thankful, because, about a week after Subaru helped her and Lou escape. she knew she had to start looking for work, but was homeless at the time and knew that she needed to provide Lou to get healthy again, she also knew that she could not go back to the church and her old home. She was lucky enough to run into a woman who looks in her twenties or thirties, wearing a black blazer and skirt, pink dress shirt, boots, brown long hair, and green leaf eyes.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you," Yui said sadly holding her beautiful child.

"Hey it's alright, you okay? You look homeless and your baby doesn't look too good," The woman said.

"I'm not feeling well. Yes I'm homeless and my baby is suffering bad," Yui said with tears.

"Oh my god, I'll take care of you and your baby. I'm Melody Shirley. What's yours?," Melody asked with a smile.

"I'm Yui Komori and this is my daughter Lou,"

"Well let's get you two cleaned up and get you two to the medical center," Melody said.

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