The sakamakis freak out

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It's been a week since Subaru last saw Yui and her daughter. He did his best to protect Yui's precious child. But Yui was sweet and caring to Subaru since he protected her and Lou. But now he hopes she'll contact him someday to see how things are going. Subaru remembers Yuis words since he helped her and Lou escape after a few weeks of Cordelia's defeat.

Yuis words
"Really, Thank you Subaru"

"I promise to protect you and Lou, Yui,"

While downstairs the triplets freaked out over Yuis and Lou's disappearance. Subaru was leaning on the wall not listening to them since it's a waste of time. Five angry vampires sat in the living room, after they got back from seeing there father, trying to figure out what to do about their food.

"Dammit, well I can't find those two anywhere," Ayato said as he sat down with a angry look.

"Little bitch and little bunny is definitely annoying. It's not like the two to just runaway like that," Laito said tapping his chin with his finger.

"I-I'm just so thirsty you guys," Kanato Said with tears.

"Do you know where she and little bunny is, Subaru," Laito Said as Subaru crossed his arms.

"How the hell should I know," Subaru said turning his head as he didn't want to tell them that he helped the two girls escape.

"This is unexceptable, our two foods ran away. Food isn't supposed to runaway," Kanato complained.

"So where the hell are they?," Ayato growled.

"Just chill out, there going to come back soon enough," Shu Said.


''We let our guard down. We should've known Miss. Komori and her daughter wouldn't notice our strange behavior. We were mistaken. Now she used that chance to run away. It was technically our mistake.'' said an irritated Reiji.

The others stayed silent knowing it was true. None of them new about her escape except Subaru who was acting along with the situation. He wasn't going to tell them anything since he helped the girls escape. The story was that both the girls ran away while they had their guard down and now there was god-knows-where.

They all agreed but silently they all missed her and Lou. There blood was of the finest quality and she was different from the other sacrifices and girls. She would resist and wouldn't just give up her body like the other, and this drove them wild for her. They wouldn't admit it out loud but each of them had a slight crush on her. Yui tried her best to keep Lou away from them since Subaru tried his best to protect the girls.

So as they went outside to try to track down her trail they shoved everything to the back of their heads. They could punish her and Lou till there was so frail that a single touch could break them after they found them. They haven't found any sign of them since Subaru told his brothers he doesn't know where they are. As the brothers head to there rooms. Ayato layed in the couch in the entrance hall looking mad as ever.

So this is what had become of Ayato Sakamaki" Ayato's head sprung up as the voice spoke, he knew who it was. Turning around he glared at the man who stood before him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked coldly

"Can't a father visit his sons?" KarlHeinz threw back, Ayato sucked in his teeth, letting out a 'tch' sound.

"They can, but you only come here to annoy us all" Ayato turned his head to the side, not wanting to look at his father.

"I come to check up on you all, I don't make it annoying. You consider it that way" Ayato said nothing as KarlHeinz looked at him, the vampire king signed as his son's behaviour.

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