Lous dancing and Sakamaki brothers Visiting

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Lou dancing can't stop the feeling.

Lou was wearing a gray POW! sweater, pink fleece skirt and gray leggings.

Lou was wearing a gray POW! sweater, pink fleece skirt and gray leggings

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"Mommy I love dancing and singing," Lou said shaking.

"Really my little Lou. You look so cute dancing in that outfit," Yui blushed.

"It fits perfect,"

"You can still dance while I make dinner," Yui said as she went to make dinner.

That night the triplets played in the snow, Reiji was reading and Shu was listening to his music. Subaru was looking at the roses. The brothers looked up to see Yui walking to the dining room. Both the Sakamakis went across the street. Then up to the house. Shu knocked.
Yui answered the door.

"What do you need? my blood or taking me and Lou away?," Yui said. Or torture me for blood?

"No, we want to talk to you, please," Ayato said.

"Okay come on in," Yui said as the brothers came in.

The brothers looked around the living room also they see pictures of Yui, Lou and Melody. Then others. There they saw a picture of Yui's first ultra sound picture of Lou. Then five pictures of Lou when she was dressed up with Yui. Also Yui holding Lou as a infant at the church.

"Follow me," Yui said nervously.

The brothers followed Yui in the kitchen.
Yui grabbed Lou's plate of macaroni an cheese with chopped hot dogs and apple juice.

"Thank you mommy," Lou said as she received her dinner. Then turned to see the Sakamaki's. Why are they here? They are scary! SUBARU I MISS YOU!

"Your welcome, Lou, there just visiting," Yui said. There not going to hurt you. Yui went over to the fridge and poured some of Anmum matcrna milk in a glass cup that her doctor told her to drink while she's pregnant. Then Yui put the Anmum matcrna milk away.

"Oh," Lou said.

"I miss you too Lou," Subaru said as Lou let him sit next to her.

"You guys hungry or need anything," Yui said. I have beef curry and rice cooked. Which makes up to twelve servings.

 Which makes up to twelve servings

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"Sure," The brothers said.

Yui gave the brothers there curry dish and sat down.

"Really good curry and rice," Subaru said while eating it.

"Thanks," Yui said. Why did you guys move here in our neighborhood?

"We had to do shift and our record is coming out. We haft to be close to work," Reiji explained. We have no choice.

"I see," Yui said.

"Where's your friend?," Shu asked.

"She is with her boyfriend," Yui said tapping her fingers on the counter.

"Hmm cool," Subaru said as he yawned.

"Mommy I'm a little tired," Lou smiled. Can I cake?

"Finish your macaroni cheese and juice, I'll put you to bed," Yui said as she drinked her glass of Anmum matcrna milk. You can have cake in the afternoon tomorrow. You are too much sweets.

"Okay," Lou said taking a bite of her food.

"You feed her this stuff," Ayato asked. What is in that box that came from the fridge and you poured some kind of drink in your cup?

"Yeah sometimes, but I feed her healthy food," Yui said. Oh it's Anmum matcrna milk. My doctor recommended me to drink it.

"Why?," Subaru asked.

"I'm pregnant with another child," Yui sighed.

"So you got pregnant?," Kanato said with a grin. Also you and Edward are having one?

"Yeah," Yui said.

"What does that Anmum matcrna milk do to you?," Shu asked.

"This is a milk drink for pregnant women or expectant mothers because of its very healthy ingredients needed by pregnant women. It is a very high folate milk drink. What I like about it is that it tastes delicious or yummy even when I was very picky with the drinks that I taste during my pregnancy," Yui said. I drink this a bunch of times when I was pregnant with Lou.

"Can I have some," Kanato asked.

"No, it's only for pregnant women," Yui said.

The brothers giggled at what Kanato said.

"It's a healthy drink for you and it can keep the child healthy," Reiji said.

"Oh yeah and I need to ask you guys, how do you know my six sisters?," Yui said as the brothers flinched.

"We found them in a forest injured right before you escape a month ago. Plus they last saw you when you were five. They needed space from the church," Subaru explained. But now they live in a apartment closer to our work.

"I see,"

After Yui cleaned the dishes she picked Lou up and went in the living room with the Sakamaki's. Lou fell asleep on her chest. Yui pet her soft blonde hair.

"So what was it like when you were having Lou?," Kanato asked.

"Different," Yui said while thinking. When I was together with my boyfriend at 17, he cheated on me and was on drugs. He got me pregnant and left me. But when he left, he was supposed to pay for child support up to $1,000. But Yuu didn't and I was supposed to recieve it today from my father who paid it for us. Then loan me $1,000. Yuu died in a car crash. So months later, my dad took care of me while I was pregnant. Then when Lou was born in the hospital, she went threw a health problem in her lungs. Also I asked the doctors will she live, the doctor said she will and I stayed there for thirty days till she is better. After five months, I lived with you guys and she suffered health problems when she and I escaped from the mansion. I didn't want my daughter to suffer. I stayed home doing online schooling while I raised her. Then I met Edward and Charlie, they have the same things like me and Lou.

"Really, I am sorry about that," Laito said sadly. But your happy with Lou and raising her. Aaw little bunny.

"Oh here's your envelope that your father sent to us in the mail. So here," Reiji said as Yui smiles and took the envelope.

"Thank you so much," Yui said as she put the envelope in her pocket.

Yui smiled. Then looked at the clock, it was 8:30 p.m.

"I haft to take my little Lou to bed," Yui said kissing her forehead. I'll see you later.

"Alright, bye," The Sakamaki's said.

"You guys accept our apology for everything what we did to you two," Shu asked.

"Yes and don't suck my blood and Lou's again," Yui said.

"We promise," Subaru said.

"Merry Christmas," Yui smiled.

"Merry Christmas Lou and Yui," Said the brothers.

After the brothers left, Yui fell asleep with Lou in her arms.

I made curry and rice before. It's not spicy. Yui and Lou forgive the brothers for what they did to the two girls.

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