Big Problem

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Yui and Lou nodded there heads in response as they were not able to say anything. Yui grabbed Edwards hand tightly, Lou grabbed Charlies hand. They gave them a quick smile and then began discussing something with the Sakamakis. Lou noticed Yui was scared, so was Lou. So she said, " Mommy come on let's have a look at this place okay?" Lou said and took Yui with her. The brothers glared at Yui and Lou for once that made The two shiver with fear. Lou turned around and sticks her tongue out at the five brothers except Subaru with a angry face. Then turns around. The brothers growled.

"Mommy I am scared! I have noticed since We saw those five Sakamaki meanies and the others we are acting really weird? Why? Please tell me I'm worrying?" Lou asked her with concern.

"It's nothing Lou, don't worry, We are fine don't worry." Yui said because she didn't want Lou to get hurt and scared. Subaru is not going to hurt us. Hes doing a favor to protect us from them. Plus Edward is doing his job as well to protect us with Charlie.

"They really did scared me, come on let's have some food and drinks." Lou said and smiled.

"Okay." Yui said and went with Lou.

"Uhhh Mommy, can I have some fish sticks, I'm hungry?" Lou said.

"Okay ." Yui said. When the two girls got there food, they were standing there when suddenly two hands grabbed her and Lou then pinned them against the wall. And it was Ayato and behind him were the brothers.

"Didn't expected that we'll find you two here. Tell me how did you trapped this guy and his son huh? Ayato said with rage.

"We're not going to give any answer to this silly question of yours Ayato. Now let go of Lou and me." Yui said struggling to get away. You better not lay a hand on my daughter after you gave her all those scars. You and your twins almost killed her. I'm still not forgiving you five except Subaru."

"Oi little bitch and little bunny! Aren't you happy to see us?" Laito said.

"We should punish these two for running from us, right teddy?" Kanato smiled maliciously.

"You have to explain how dare you two run away from us." Reiji asked angrily.

"Guys let them be!" Shu said lazily adjusting his headphones. "Let them move on.

"You guys will not lay a hand on them. I protected them since they lived with us," Subaru said as Lou hugged him. Subaru pet Lou's hair.

"No Shuu! They have to tell us why did they do that?" Ayato said clenching his fist.

"You all want to know why Lou and I ran from that hell? So listen, Lou and I was tired of always being a blood bag for all of you. You all are monsters!". Yui said without fear. "Subaru is the one Lou and I trust because he saved our lives.

Yeah, you monsters are big meanies, stupid jerks," Lou yelled. "Stupid vampire Sakamakis. Not you Subaru and your cool. My mommy is not a little bitch. What's a bitch?

"Shut up!" Kanato shouted at her.

"Why should we shut up, Huh? All of you keep in your mind that now we're not afraid of any of you. I'm not that old Yui Komori and Lou is not the old Lou Komori who was weak and vulnerable you used to torture. Alright? Now move aside! My fiancé must be waiting for me. Subaru thank you for protecting Lou and I. Lou don't listen to people's vulgar jesters," Yui said glaring at all of them she pushed Ayato back and went away. The brothers were shocked to see this fearless side of her, they didn't expected this from her.

"Now! move away, Charlie is waiting for me," Lou smiled. Thank you Subaru and here you can have my necklace as mommy and I our new friend. Good one mommy, haha."

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