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kim baram

"all i need is to get this stuff done and i'll be heading home." she said through her phone that was pressed between her ear and shoulder while her hands are busy organizing the files that was piling up on her desk.

"of course, jungwoo, just wait a little bit besides, the boss is still here." she replied, before finally pressing the red button on her phone screen and land her eyes on the digital clock on the corner of her phone screen.

11:30pm and she still in her cubicle doing the files that the boss told her to do. she don't know why he wanted her to do clean up the files when he, the boss himself knew it wasn't her duty.

peeking through the blinds from her cubicle, she saw the lights are still on and the shadow can be seen from outside; how his broad shoulder flex once or twice every twenty seconds.

a sigh then left through her dry lips. this is not what she wanted to do after she graduate college - well maybe, getting a job was one of her goals but doing something that wasn't her job is not what she wanted.

of course she wanted a steady job, nothing big, only wanted to earn money to make a living for her and also her brother, kim jungwoo.

kim baram is a very hardworking twenty five year old woman. working in one of the highest enterprise that have involved with china is a very worth of sweat and pain.

but working could never been better when she knew whose the boss, the leader to make her a better employee in this big enterprise. maybe you thought the boss look like a middle age man with heavy stomach and a very bad breath and colonge - well you're wrong.

she wanted to quit for the first week, the jerk haven't change since the last time she saw him - which is high school.

wong yuk-hei or what people like to call him, lucas, baram's boss.

the transfer student from china that make her high school life a hell.

don't why he did it, but baram thinks that because she was way smarter than him. lucas can never be the first, baram always took the first place in class and school.

thought it was only because of grades, yet the more baram knew lucas, the more he turn into a horrible person.

she remember it clearly how the first time they met, how they greeted each other as the chair mate not before the homeroom teacher ask to change seat pattern as the result lucas sat behind her and like to kick the bottom of her seat.

it was nice at first, knowing that baram will have a new guy sitting behind her, the long empty chair is now occupied by someone new but boy she is wrong - this new kid is her new walking nightmare.

it was a relieve how she didn't find him at the same college as her and someone said that he went back to china to get a better education for business yet she didn't care - all she care is he's gone and never to be seen again.

well boy she is wrong, again.

he came back, fully change into a hot- blonde haired guy-muscular tanned- that is now her boss.

shocked, of course but it's now her life, she cannot back out when she's already applied and got accepted after a rough selection.

the thought of marrying lucas suddenly crosses her mind. she wanted to imagine how miserable it is if she married to the enemy she wanted to avoid since high school - but whoa, that's way too far.

she shook her head, shaking the unimaginable thoughts before staring back to the million-never ending words to the paper she was holding.

"ah, it's 11:30pm," she jerked her head up from the last paper on her table to see lucas standing outside her cubicle with his arms on top of the walls and a cheeky smile, "how come you're still here?"

he asks like he didn't know why a girl or more to like baram is still at the office when the clock almost ticked to midnight when he was the one who told her to do it when she's already dressed to go home.

lucas was standing outside her cubicle which was right in front of his office. his black blazer was gone, the two button of his white button up shirt was open and the sleeves are rolled up just above his elbows.

baram had to admit, he is hot and she can't deny that even though he's mean every time, giving her a hard time, he can act differently at the office and it just makes her flutter.

"do you love staying here at the office?" he continues.

baram rolled her eyes, holding the urge to slap him on the face - where she could but chose not to because she's in the office not outside the office. and where she could drop that formal attitude but she chose not too.

"i'm organizing the files, mr. wong." she replied between gritted teeth, eyes didn't want to met his.

lucas nodded her head leaning his back against the cubicle walls before sliding both of his hands inside his trousers.

"great work, miss kim," he suddenly said out of the blue, "you can go home now." he said that makes baram quickly put down the pen she was holding and let her desk a mess with her files all over it.

without saying goodbye or goodnight, baram quickly ran towards the elevator, finally she can go home and eat the dinner jungwoo had cooked for her.

she walk inside the elevator and as the door closes, she saw lucas still standing there with his eyes bore into her soul like there is something she had that he wanted so bad or that he wanted to tell her something from his stare.

the stare he always gave her since high school. the stare that he's been giving her every time she left. the stare that hasn't been answered since high school and the stare that always makes her curious or wonder why he does that.

she wondered why, wanted to asked him what is the stare all about yet it never came out from her mouth. it never been answered either from the man himself. he never really explain yet he never really opened up to anybody not even his own family.

it was still the same; how his brows raised a little bit, how the corner of his mouth lifts up into a sexy smirk and the way he took his breaths that looks so heavy as he heaves.

the door soon closed and the eye contact had cut off. that's the only time that baram can finally breath properly.

"i can't really understand you, wong yuk-hei."

*ugly start ugh*

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