t h i r t y - s i x

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it was dark, lucas had came back from the main office to see the how the office go so far and meet new people who will help him with the project.

he was sitting on his round arm chair before he heard a knock coming out from his door. he didn't want to get all hyped up when he's expecting someone to come to his room and talk to him again.

he slowly walk towards the door, thinking that how it looks so funny to make her waiting for him to open the door.

lucas opens the door but his smile vanished when he saw jisoo stood in front of his door, not baram. the person who he expecting.

"not what you expecting, right?" she said before casually walk inside lucas' bedroom, earning a frown from the taller male and closed the door behind him.

"cut it out jisoo, what are you doing here anyway?" lucas said frowning.

jisoo turns around, her arms already crossed in front of her chest, "make me your fiancè."

"what are you talking about?"

"that's the only way you can save baram from me."

"what the fuck is wrong with you?"

jisoo rolled her eyes before going around lucas who stood frozen in front of his bed.

"come on lucas," jisoo started, "we both knew that you're head over heels about baram and so does she--but sadly she already got jaehyun and we both know how heartbroken you are right?"

"you love her right? you will do anything for her right?" jisoo asks finally stopping in front of lucas and circle her arms around his neck.

for the first time lucas didn't budge, he didn't push jisoo away as she had brought baram into her evil plans.

"tomorrow," jisoo continue, running her plams against lucas' broad chest, "your going to tell your father that i'm your fiancè, ignore baram for the whole day, don't do anything with her and you'll get over your feelings for her."

lucas gritted his teeth and he swear to god how bad he wanted to throw jisoo out from his view and never see her again. recruiting her as an assistant when she been in love with him since high school.

"i won't."

"don't test me lucas," she replied, "don't make me do things that i won't do to baram, you'll regret it big boy. come on it's an easy task."

"are threatning me yang jisoo?"

jisoo chuckled. "if you want to think about it that way, it's fine to me."

"what are you trying to do?" he asks.

jisoo click her tongue and rolled her eyes, "is it wrong to get jealous? i heard what baram said at the plane and it hurts me. she got all of your attention but not me. so that's why i'm doing this by force and i know you won't say no if i involved baram in this."

lucas couldn't risk baram is hurt because of him. lucas never knew what jisoo is capable of but he never wanted to know what she might do to baram, he can't think of baram end up somewhere because of him.

no matter how hard he tried to ignore baram and not talk to her, but when something is about to happened to her, lucas won't let it happened escpecially when someone is about to threaten her.

"i hate it when she always get everything she wants easily," jisoo said pouting her lips, "now that i know she's your weakness, might as well use her as a weapon to make you mine."

jisoo gave him a smile, the smile he hoped he never see again for his entire life. he may not know when will her "plans" ends but as long as it keeps baram away from jisoo, he would.

"fine." lucas answer, "but i'll swear to god if you hurt baram in any kind of way, i won't hesitate to hurt you back."

a pure evil smile had appeared on jisoo's face when she caress lucas' broad chest up and down in motion, "see, i know we were on the same page."


"i've been notice that something's going on between the two of you, can you tell me what's going on yuk-hei?" lucas' father asks as he straighten his posture as he awaits lucas' answer.

lucas gulp the lump on his throat. luca shad tried his best not to show his father that lucas has something to do with jisoo but jisoo was smart enough to do the act alone and let his father notice it by himself.

lucas gave baram a glance for the first time today, they haven't talk to each other ever since her outburst on the plane. he wanted to talk, he ve been waiting for her to start the conversatin but as long as lucas knew about baram, she won't start conversation especially with lucas but if something is involved with work, baram isn't hesitant about it.

as bad as he wanted not to do this, lucas can't. the threat from jisoo kept replying in his head.

he don't know why he said yes. lucas have more power than her but somehow he can't see baram hurt thanks to jisoo.

he look back to his father before answering, "she's..." lucas trailed off rather trying his best that what his about to say convince his father and won't bring him to shock to his sickness.

"she's my fiancè." lucas clench his hand into fist, he wanted to rebel, he wanted to deny but he can't. jisoo is watching his every move.

"is that so." his father replied nodding his head, "we can talk about this later okay son?" he asks and lucas nods his head before jisoo finally introduce herself. the shock in his father's face is visible but thank god that it didn't bring his father back to the icu.

lucas' eyes land on baram who didn't look at anything but the space in front of her. he can see the brimming tears on her eyes and it makes fixed feelings to him.

baram had tears on her eyes, why? it makes him feels sad that she was on the verge of crying and it question him on what or why she's crying for.

i do this for you baram, this is for the sake of your safety. i'll explain when i can.

i dont know what im writing but i hope you guys like it!! double update bang bang bang! domt forget to vote and comment!!

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