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"lucas!--wong yuk-hei let me go!" baram yelled yanking her wrist from lucas' strong grip and stopping just feet away from lucas' car.

lucas is pissed, anger boiled in his blood that both of the tip of his ears are red.

"there's no need to be jealous okay? me and your brother are nothing." she explained.

"how am i not suppose to be jealous?! he kissed you on the cheek!"

"this is ridic--"

"i'm the one who broke your virginity and i have no right to be jealous?"

"you're being a kid here wong yuk-hei--please don't make it more harder than it already is," baram replied tone getting softer at the end, "i already told you i hate fighting with you all the time--so please can we get this over with?"

"so i'm nothing to you then?"

"what is that suppose to mean?"

he didn't let her finish and went inside the car and drove off, leaving baram alone standing at the parking lot by herself.

he drove back home with guilt and regret leaving baram alone at the parking lot late at night and freezing. but he couldn't think of anything else besides his own feelings.

those feelings still lingered at his heart but that night had passed, he can't turn back time and start over what he have done.

he's back at home on his last day in china after a hectic day of work he had to do. he wanted to go to baram and talked about it again and promise himself not to go rage at her and throwing tantrums at her but he can't.

sicheng asked baram if she wanted to go to the mall to buy some gifts and baram said yes. sicheng sure asked lucas if he wanted to come or not but he decline because he knew how his emotions will react.  he still can't get over what he argued last night.

now lucas is at his backyard, staring at nothing but the space in front of him with a glass of whiskey on the small table beside him.

"there's my soon to be husband." lucas rolled his eyes before closing them, pretending to be asleep but failed.

jisoo approach him and sat on top of his lap and circling her arms around his neck.

"please, this is all an act." lucas said pushing her off from his lap and took a seat beside him.

"come on lucas," jisoo pleads, "this game could be fun for baram sake, right?" she said in a mocking tone, earning a frown from lucas.

"i don't know what you want jisoo," lucas said standing up from his chair, "just tell me what you want and stop this game you're planning."

"do you want money? house? car? please tell me and stop this childish and stupid game you're playing!" lucas said almost give up to what he's in right now.

jisoo cross her arms in front of her chest, leaning her back against the chair and cross her both legs.

"i thought her plan is going on perfectly but i guess it's not." jisoo whisper but loud enough for lucas to hear.

lucas squint his eyes to make sure what he heard was right and kneel down to make his eye level with jisoo.

"her?" lucas asks that make jisoo widden her eyes in shock, "what do you mean her? who's her?"


"baram!" lucas called her when he saw her walking towards the private boarding room of the airport.

today was the day where all of them are going back to korea. at last, today was the day that lucas been waiting for.

he can finally sit back at his home without his annoying brother nagging him around the house--maybe just for a couple of months before sicheng come back to korea since some of his things are still there back at lucas' apartment.

"what? you want to scream at me and leave me again?" baram said bitterly, crossing her arms in front of her chest and he can see how tired she looked, "i still can't believe how childish you can get."

lucas let out a sigh and close his eyes for a second before he stare back at baram and pull her towards the corner of the private boarding room.

"forgive me baram." he said and earn a scoff from baram.

"heard that a lot yet it doesn't change anything," baram replied, "you always say and do the same thing lucas--what? don't tell me you're going to ask me for a second chance after this because i give you a lot of chances and you blew it all."

lucas is kind of relieve that baram replied to what he said after all this time trying to talk to her. he knew that baram is been a avoiding lucas after he left her at the parking lot alone.

she didn't come out from her bedroom and let the butler bring the food to her bedroom and won't open the door unless it was about work.

she act like lucas was an invisable.

lucas was so focused on himself that he didn't know how will baram feel when he left there at the cold night.

"i'm sorry i left you alone okay?" lucas said, voice almost caught the attention from the other passenger.

"do you know how cold china is at night? if it wasn't thanks to you brother giving me a ride, i would've freezing to death."

lucas squint his eyes. so sicheng really did give baram a ride.

lucas thought it was just another way for sicheng to make lucas jealous but no, baram said it herself that sicheng gave her a ride.

"it was a mistake okay?"

"it is a mistake," she said and her eyes brimming with tears, "meeting you for the second time, giving all of me to you and loving you is a mistake."

she left, didn't give lucas a time to explain and there will be always a way to ruined his relationship with baram.

he thought that everything will be smooth, but no.

lucas bang his fist against the wall, he cannot explain the anger that boils inside him. all he wanted to do is punch himself and repeatedly say how stupid he is.

his emotions are hurt that he didn't think twice leaving baram there and now he regret what he did. he wanted to told baram what jisoo had told him the other day, he wanted to let baram know the real reason and the real braniac behind the game that jisoo was playing but baram has left and went inside the plane the second the door are opened.

"god please help me."

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