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lucas can't stop stomping his feet against the carpeted floor of his office while staring back and forth from the couple that was sitting in front of him with their eyes focus on their own laps.

lucas wanted to scream, letting what baram hear what his heart has to say about her dating jaehyun after he confessed to her. it was rude for lucas.

repeatedly, lucas play with his pen before clearing his throat and straighten his posture before placing both of his arms on top of his glass desk.

"let me get this straight," he start after a good minute of silence, "i bet you guys already knew the law we have here about dating in the same office, right?"

his eyes still glancing from baram who nodded her head and then to jaehyun who still looking down to his lap with his fingers locked with one another.

"i know sir but," baram caught his attention after a second of scanning jaehyun, comparing what jaehyun have that lucas don't have that baram chose jaehyun over lucas.

"as long as it won't bother you or the company, it won't cause any harm to either me, him or you - sir, i see why not."

baram's reply makes his brows furrowed deeper as he stood up from his chair with anger drawn on his face.

"but i can't accept that in the office." lucas said with a stern tone, eyes battling glare with baram who look like she won't lose in this debate.

"i know it is, but i don't see why not working in the same office can't date - what if we both soulmate do you--"

"what soulmate?!"

he didn't do it on purpose, he don't have any intention on hurting baram, but what he said just make him flaming inside that he accidentally threw the pen he was holding right across the room that pass baram, so close that it leave a scar on her cheek.

his eyes were wide open, same like hers. her back jerked backwards into the chair, fright can be seen in her eyes as tears start to welled up in her eyes.

lucas knew that after this, things will get different. he don't do violence that cause something bleed physically and he regret doing what he had done.

his eyes can't stop trembling as his scanned baram's face. he wanted to say something that will comfort her but nothing came out.

baram finally stood up from her chair, a tear finally rolled down from her eyes but before she could say anything else jaehyun had cut in.

"we knew it will affect the company's future, but we promise you that it won't affect you or even the company, we will sort our problems professionally since we're the one who are dating. so don't worry, it has nothing to do with you after all."

lucas saw jaehyun took baram's wrist, it looks rough as jaehyun and baram walk out from lucas' office with a loud slam.

he slump back on his chair and comb his hair back roughly with a rough sigh coming out from his lips and bit his bottom lip.

"you messed up big time, wong yuk-hei." he told himself as he stood back up from his chair and pace back and forth in front of his floor to ceiling window that overview the busy street.

not a minute after, lucas then saw a familiar vehicle coming out from the basement parking lot. it wasn't stalking but ever since jaehyun worked in his company and rumor has it about jaehyun is close with baram, he had to know what kind of guy jaehyun is, what vehicle he had.

lucas squint his eyes for a better view of the vehicle and he was sure that it was a black bmw coming out from the basement parking lot.

without anymore work  he took his blazer and went out from his office with a rush step and ignore jisoo calling on his name and went inside the elevator as soon as the door had opened by the security.


lucas was right, jaehyun had drive baram to her apartment. he arrived just in time when jaehyun closed baram's door with a not so good expression on his face, so as baram's.

his brows rose when he saw the both of them walked inside baram's apartment complex and saw both of them had went inside baram's apartment.

"are they living together already?" he asks himself suddenly feeling uneasy.

he wanted to go to her door and knock, talk things out but that will just making the situation got worse. but he can't just stay inside and not cleaning  what he had messed up.

all the voice inside his head make him scream while banging the steering wheel with all his strength.

"maybe i should wait until he leaves." lucas mumbles and finally turn off his car engine and not caring about the work that is pilling up his desk and wait for jaehyun to leave so she could talk to him.

after a good ten minute, to his surprise baram walked out from her apartment already changed into something comfortable and for a mere second lucas admire her figure - a smile finally appear on lucas' face.

but soon the smile disappear when he saw a band-aid stuck on baram's face, he saw it clear before she went inside jaehyun's car and drove off somewhere.

lucas didn't waste anytime to start his engine and follow where baram is heading.

soon enough baram took a left and lead lucas to park in a supermarket parking lot. he don't know why baram went here despite her face looks fine now with the band-aid on her face and thought that she should've went to the doctor or clinic if she wanted to be cleaned.

he parked his car not too far from where baram had parked and quickly turned off his engine and went out from his car without forgetting to lock the doors.

lucas didn't waste any time and took baram's wrist for her to face him. her brows raised seeing him right in front of her.

"end it or i will." he said between gritted teeth. baram tried to wiggle her wrist but failed and jerked it off without a warning and finally freed herself before taking a step back away from lucas.

"my relationship had nothing to do with you," she reply, "i maybe work under you but my love life doesn't depends on anything."

she turns around but lucas didn't want to end the conversation like that so he took back her wrist and turn her around to face him again.

"are you really that mean?  i confess my feelings to you - for fuck sake baram! in front of the whole crowd! doesn't that look real to you?"

lucas saw baram scoffed and rolled her eyes before stepping one step closer towards lucas.

"oh, like the time you tripped me at the hallway in high school - that's in front of the whole student right?"

lucas muscles had gone weak, a perfect time for baram took back her wrist and leave him in the parking lot dumbstruck.

it wasn't his intention for hurting her, as cliche as it sounds, he don't know how to approach her because baram never talked to him and he's bad at first impression.

he regret everything he had done to her, never knew it would hit him back like this.

"everyone was right, karma is a bitch."


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