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lucas felt like he's home again - maybe eating without his parents could still feel incomplete, but si cheng is here, make it less homesick.

"can i have this one, this one and this one?" lucas said ordering anything that makes him miss home even more.

"oh - speaking of food, what did you eat here - i mean obviously the only thing you will eat back at home was only mother's cooking." si cheng asks but more like a statement that make lucas chuckled.

"i ate korean food of course, chinese food won't cure my homesick, but this place is pretty good at serving chinese food." lucas replied playing with the chopstick.

si cheng nodded his head, "well, if father told you to come home, then i will tell mother to cook a lot of your favorites." he said with a smile before minutes later the food they ordered had come to their table.

they both went to lucas' favorite chinese restaurant just near his house and order anything that their mother used to cook. it is delicious but both lucas and si cheng will always like their mother cooking more than anything.

both of them talked, catching up on how's how when both of them aren't together. laughing here and there and si cheng end up hitting lucas' head again for the second time.

"not only handsome, but didi is rich too." si cheng said, "he just bought me the best dinner - well apparently mother's cooking is still the best."

lucas chuckled, digging his hands inside his track pants before slowly walking beside his brother who is still fascinates with the korean culture.

si cheng could act like a child, looking here and there, asking what's this what's that - never ending story. but si cheng then shut his mouth minutes later that make lucas look back to where his brother had stopped his feet.

his face crane to the left, eyes then land on the particular girl that lucas knew; baram, with his brother and lucas knew by the name of jaehyun. the guy who saw what happened at the elevator.

baram seems happy, her smile covers her face but lucas still can notice her bags from afar - he suddenly felt hurt seeing her like that.

"oh - that's baram." lucas glance to his si cheng, giving a where did you know her and how look with his brows raised.

lucas wanted to ask but si cheng had move his feet towards where baram had stood with the two other boys. the image of si cheng and baram knew each other makes him confused and worried for some reason.

now lucas didn't now what to do, his terms with baram are still not settle - not to mention the time where he went to baram's house, approaching her now (again) just making it worse.

he then decided to hide somewhere while texting his brother that he'll be at starbucks for some coffee though actually he wanted to let things settle first with baram. not wanting to add more trouble with her.

without waiting for his brother to reply or to realize that lucas wasn't in his spot, lucas quickly left before placing back is phone on his track pants pocket.

knowing now that si cheng knew baram and baram knew si cheng, things will get spicy when baram knew that si cheng is lucas' brother.

the next day, surprisingly baram came to work. she looks fine, healthy like usual. but she still ignores him, didn't care if she didn't greet him when bumping with him in the elevator or pantry.

talking or apologizing to her is harder now, lucas knew that baram is avoiding him for her sake not to pull his hair out of his scalp. but not apologizing to her makes his heart feel uneasy.

lucas wanted to pull her into an empty room and just talk it out with to what happened at the elevator - but he cannot find the courage to do so. in the office there's a lot of eyes that cannot be seen, whenever lucas feel safe or nobodies watching, there will always be one person who watch.

calling her to his room was the only way, but that would make another misunderstanding with the others when baram was the only person who always got called into lucas' office for either small or big reasons.

there's a lot of rumor about baram that lucas heard about. he didn't know if baram knew about those rumors but the gossip girls was the one who always tell lies.

thinking about it makes him want to fire all of them, but having no solid proof he can't just fire people carelessly without thinking about the company he has.

"jisoo, can you come in for a sec?" lucas called from his phone and without any spare three seconds, jisoo is already inside his office with a cheeky smile.

she stood beside lucas desk, clearly uncomfortable with the pencil skirt that is way too short but he knew why she wears it anyway.

"when was the school reunion?" lucas asks.

"in about a month," jisoo replied, "why? you're coming right?" she asks before a cheeky smile yet again came back to jisoo's face as she took a closer step towards lucas' desk and take a seat on the edge of the desk.

lucas already knew what it was about and rolled his eyes.

"if seolhyun can't come with you, i can come with you." jisoo said trying so hard to be sexy but she can't. only make lucas wanted to choke.

lucas wanted to yell that what happen between lucas and seolhyun are over but rather than going with jisoo to the reunion lucas rather go alone, he hates it when he hears jisoo chattering about her uninteresting life.

"i'm just asking when, it's not i'm going anyway." lucas said, taking his blazer and walk out from his office before going to the elevator.

having a high school friend that is absolutely obsess with him as an assistant can be tiring. but then again, finding a new one can be a lot of hard work.

the elevator opens and he stepped inside, just before the door closes a yell from outside alert lucas from his thoughts and press the open button before the person or to be precise, baram.

she look hesitant to walk inside but before she could leave the elevator, lucas pull her inside the elevator as the door closes.

"please, i'm truly sorry about what i said that day." he spoke still gripping baram's other hand that isn't full with papers.

lucas bit his bottom suddenly feel nervous for some reason.

"come on, baram."

"what you say about me hurts, wong yuk-hei." lucas gulp, he knew one thing about baram when she's really angry, calling him by his full name, "in front of the guy i like."

his brows furrowed before slowly letting go of baram's hand as his hand slopping on his side, "you like... jaehyun?"

"you know what," baram pause before straighten her posture, "i held everything that you did since high school but that day, you were just out of the line."

"baram i truly sorry, it's just--it's just..."

"what yuk-hei?"

soon the elevator doors open, both of them are still busy with their own conversation that didn't realize that someone was standing outside the elevator looking at the questioningly.

"didi? baram?"

"gege?" lucas broke the eye contest first before letting out a long sigh. baram's  focus then turn to none other than si cheng. lucas saw that baram look back and forth from him to si cheng before finally set her eyes on lucas.


double update *dab*
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