t h i r t y - t w o

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kim baram

"hey." baram greeted as jaehyun walked inside her apartment with two paper bags in his arms and went straight to the kitchen.

it's friday, baram decided to stay at home for packing before she had to go to china the next day and waiting for jaehyun to got off from work and watch some movies with popcorn before she had to seperate for more than one week.

maybe it's a little bit of an overexaggerating action to do--it's just for two weeks and they all get lovey-dovey all of a sudden because they won't see each other--no, it's because baram still want to make up with jaehyun about what happened recently.

it was two days ago when baram felt her relationship is on the edge of a cliff and barm felt like jaehyun trying so hard to make himself fo trust her back but she knew he can't the same again.

"i bought ice cream, your favorite." he says wiggling the grocery bag with a smile before stepping inside and wen to the kitchen, to place the ice cream in the freezer.

baram smile as she followed jaehyun to where he is and suddenly still thinking about yesterday event that she thinks that the discussion haven't finished yet. she needed jaehyun to understand and not having his own thoughts that end up hurting both of them.

but baram don't want to erase the smile on his face, the vibrant eyes when he looks at baram as she opens the door for him.

"kim baram!" he yells and make baram jumped on her feet before foolishly smile.

"sorry, thoughts in my head." she replied.

"a penny for yout thoughts?"

baram bit her bottom lip, he asked about what she was thinking about and doubting herself.

"it's fine, it's just about tomorrow," she said, "i don't know if dongyoung can ride me to the airport or not."

"oh--just the right time," he said quickly while snapping his finger, "let me take you there."

baram's heart suddenly beats fast. jaehyun ride him to the airport is suppose to be a big no since lucas will be there waiting for her arrival.

she wanted to say no, of course that's the first thing that came up to her head but baram knew herself that she can't easily say no to anyone and it's jaehyun, it makes her harder to say no.

"don't you have to go to work?" she asks.

"honey, it's saturday," he replied walking to her side, "office closes at saturday." he continue to walk after softly patting baram on the cheek, leaving her red. baram sure is bad at making excuses.


the rest of the day went well, it felt like nothing ever happened to the both of them and just enjoy each other company while watching movies, cooking for lunch, play flour fighting while cooking soe cookies and a lot of make out at the sofa that jungwoo had to walked into.

and the day ha to come to an end, jaehyun had to go back home to get some rest to he could drive her to the airport.

they both said their goodbyes before he drove off back to his house.

as baram closed the door, jungwoo had waited for her at the living room, looking unusual but baram knew what he's about to do.

"something happened while i was gone... am i right nonna?" he asks eyes still locked with the tv screen.

baram inhale before crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"please, save the question jungwoo. i need to sleep early." she said as she walk pass the living room but jungwoo's call make her stop.

"can't you just sit down and talk to me?!" he yells on top of his lungs earning a wide eyes from baram and shocked written all over her face.

jungwoo wasn't the type of yelling person, he always shows his sweet, soft and very caring side. he mever throw his tantrums on baram, he barely talk to baram about anythig because baram assume that his little brother is fine.

"kim jungwoo, since when you raise your voice at me?" she asks glaring at jungwoo.

"what am i to you noona?" jungwoo said voice comes back to normal.

"you are my brother-what kind of question is that?"

"well if i am why don't you never lean on me or even talk to me--talk about your concern or everything? if i am why don't you ever talk to me about everything."

jungwoo cared, baram knew he do, but somehow baram can't talk to him about her concern because she never talk to anyone about it. ever since pre-school she never have friends because on how she looks and as the day keep on going, baram feel like she used to being alone.

jungwoo was an easy going person, he's humble and handsome, people like him and make friends easily.

baram is satisfy to see jungwoo happy and calm, ot wanting to ruined that mood by talking about herself.

"jungwoo, please, i'm sorry okay?" baram say under her breaths as she felt tired of getting into more fight with someone she loves, "it's just--it never felt right talking about my problems with you since your always happy, i don't want to ruin any of it."

"we are siblings, we need to help each other--we need each others back, i'm not happy if you're not happy," he says walking towards her sister and hugged her, "rely on me noon for once, i love you okay? it hurts me to see you in a big mess."

baram furrowed her brows before pushing jungwoo away from her, "how'd you know i'm in trouble?"

jungwoo gave baram the "are you serious look" before pointing to the roof of the apartment, at the very right corner that made baram widden her eyes and jaw slacked open. she saw a black cctv canera up there and not even realizing it.

"you were the one who put it there because afraid that i'm gonna throw a party or having a girl here, how can you forget?" he asks. baram wanted to defend but there's nothing came out only an audible words.

"now look, you're the one who bring boys here and having a nice time here." he contine sarcasticaly before jungwoo shook his head before turning around and about to walk inside his bedroom.

"it's okay, i didn't see the whole make out sesh you have with yoon-oh hyung." he yells before closing the door.

"kim jungwoo!!"

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