t w e n t y - n i n e

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kim baram

"never knew you have a kind heart for him noona." jungwoo said as he helped baram carry lucas out from the lucas' car.

"i don't, but it kind of make me guilty to leave him there--besides, he's done a lot for the company." baram replied and press the lift button before stepping inside.

she decided to take lucas home, since she didn't know where he actually lives but only know where lucas' complex was.

"just place him in my room, i'll sleep on the so--"

"sleep in my room noona, i'm going to ten's house with doyoung hyung." he replied before placing lucas on baram's bed and left, leaving baram alone with the snoring sleeping lucas.

baram heard the front door shut and signals that jungwoo had already left.

a sigh left baram leave, she regret bringing lucas here because she knew that she have to talk to him about this situation the first thing in the morning when he woke up and she hated to bring herself back into his matters especially involving him getting drunk.

the date of going to china is getting closer and she have no place to say no since her position is needed and of course, she had to go with jisoo and lucas--two people she wanted to be with last.

staring back at the sleeping lucas, she can't help but keep staring at those luscious lips of his. all of a sudden, it felt like his lips are back against hers.

and all of a sudden she felt like she wanted grab lucas by the collar and take him right there but baram shook her head at the absurd thoughts and curse under her breath.

boy, if jaehyun knew about lucas sleeping here, he'll sure pissed--but then again, jaehyun would be understand about this situation. right?

it's not like baram wanted lucas to sleep here, heck even step a foot again in her apartment.

"i hate you wong yuk-hei." she cursed before leaving her bedroom with some spare clothes.


it's the first time baram had woken up way too early than usual, she used to wake up when the bird starts to chirping but she knew she woke up too early when she haven't heard the bird singing.

she went to the bathroom in the living room to clean herself up and took a short bath, changing into  some fresh clothes before going to the kitchen to make some breakfast for her and the "guest".

she decided to make a hangover soup, which people eat it after a heavy drink like lucas who seems to be passing out until the sun finally set and walk like a zombie into baram's kitchen.

"good morning to you too, mr. wong." baram sarcastically greeted when lucas sat grumpily on baram's dining table chair without greeting the house owner.

lucas then shot his head up from the table before staring right into baram's eyes with a lot of question plastered in his face. he then look around the house before finally back to baram who still waiting for another reply.

"t-this is not my house?" he asks still with his morning husky deep voice and messy hair, looking dumbfounded.

"apparently not." she replied before pouring the soup into the bowl and place it in front of him, "eat, and then go, we have to go china tomorrow night--oh, never mention this to anyone and by anyone i mean anyone."

baram cross her arms in front of her chest, staring at him as he stared back to the soup in front of him before taking her leave, yet lucas' call make her stop.

"why can't we never get along?" he asks looking up from the soup to baram who finally turn around to face him.

"geez lucas, maybe i did give you the chance to get along with me, get things new ways even though after what you did but you blew it off anyway."

"i'm done now giving you another chance, that was just the biggest mistake--the biggest decision i've ever made! i don't trust you anymore even if i want to trust you! god lucas! don't you know what you've done to me? you ruined my life the first thing in the morning when i wake up you were in my head!"

baram explode stepping closer to lucas who stood up not long after she went mad.

"you make me crazy wong yuk-hei, i don't know if that's a good thing or not--little things that you do to me makes me insane!"

she finally stops in front of lucas fist punching his chest multiple times, her eyes wander around the room but no his--avoiding the addicting eyes she hates. her breaths begin to get heavier every second, heart beating fast like no other as she feel her blood rushing to her cheeks.

lucas didn't say anything and took a hold of her wrist  that was still placed in front of her chest before placing a forefinger under her chin and lift it up to make her see him.

"you make me insane too kim baram, i cannot stop this feelings and i cannot chose who i wanted to like." he replied locking a standard of hair behind baram's ear before trailing down to her cheek caressing it softly.

"fine," lucas continued, "it's my fucking fault that i messed my chance to make you trust me, but people deserve another chance right?"

baram stood there, her own thoughts spoke and hard for her to decide which voice she wanted to hear and hard for her to decide what choice she wanted to choose to make her follow the right path,not making her regret her choices again.

baram shook her head, placing both of her palms against lucas' chest, "giving you another chance is the last thing i want to choose lucas."

"i never wanted to get involved with you ever again." she spoke before slowly trying to loose herself from lucas' grip but lucas quickly place his arms around baram's waist to press her body against his.

"p-please lucas, just go home." baram's breath becomes heavy when her eyes are the same level as lucas' plump lips and suddenly it felt like dejà vu. it felt like she came back to the time where lucas got her first kiss.

the atmosphere suddenly becomes tempting, hot and hard for her to breath--or is it just baram who can't resist lucas' thick plump lips.

she can hear her own breathing and her own heart beat. this is too much for her to take in, morning lucas, messy hair and bed face but manage to still look hot. body pressed against each other, his eyes that suddenly became dark and lusty? who can resist that!

"i'm not going home until i know that you will broke up with jaehyun and be with me."

baram gulp the lump in her throat, not daring herself to look at lucas' eyes yet again. he wet closer and closer but before he could even pressed his lips against hers, the front door slammed shut and things had fallen to the floor with a loud rustling and thud.

baram look behind lucas' shoulder and couldn't believe her eyes.

jaehyun was there, standing with his jaw slacked open and eyes brimmed with tears. she cannot describe how hurt jaehyun look like, how broken he must've been when he saw his girlfriend in someone's embrace and about to kiss.

"am i seeing things?" jaehyun spoke before baram saw a tear drop from his eyes. that's when baram realized she just hurt an innocent man.

ugly tears omgggggg what did i just write?/??/ dont forget to vote and comment!

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