t w e n t y - f o u r

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"lucas!" he snap his head to his right where taeyong had his feet jogging towards his way with some paper on his hand.

lucas just arrived at the office, thanks to si cheng, he woke lucas up before he could even be more late than he already is - but lucas is the boss he can come and goes any time he want but then he remember that he had an appointment at eleven and that make him quickly bath and dressed.

"what is it?" he asks when taeyong had stopped beside him.

"there's a college student who want to interview you, he said it was for school papers," taeyong informed and lucas nodded his head as taeyong patted his shoulder and was about to walk, taeyong turn back around and called lucas, "here's the paper for the eleven sharp meeting."

lucas chuckled before taking the paper from the older male and continue to walk towards his office but stopped halfway when he saw baram with someone he didn't know.

he wasn't surprise to see baram with someone else, he was surprise to see baram in the office after a good one week of break.

lucas eyes then drift off to the person who was sitting in front of baram. both of them was inside the small conference room just beside his office. the guy had a wide smile, small eyes and a very white skin and somehow looked like a rabbit in some angle.

lucas suddenly feel hot and flaming inside and chose to leave and step inside his office, knitting his brows when he saw no one inside his office when taeyong told him that will be one college student to interview him but none.

he then slam the door shut that pretty sure make his whole employee shock but mostly the room beside him.

he dreamed about baram, she's the reason he's late. she's the reason why he sometimes can't continue his work because all he can think now is baram and baram.

before he could scream his lung out, a knock on the door make him stop and lucas straighten his clothes, "come in."

jisoo walked inside and the guy who talked with baram tailing behind her before stopping not far from lucas' desk.

"sir, this is kim dongyoung, he's here for school paperwork - interview i mean sir." jisoo said before stepping out the office and close the door behind her, leaving the guy named dongyoung and lucas alone in his office.

"please, take a seat." he bitterly said and dongyoung guy gave lucas a smile before sitting on the chair in front of his desk.


"okay, so last question sir," dongyoung said after writing down some things before staring back to lucas' eyes that never leave his.

who is he to baram... hmm i wonder

"how do you feel of running this company in a foreign country and in a very young age?" dongyoung asks and prepared his pencil for him to write lucas' answer.

lucas played with his pen, clicking it once and then twice before pursing his lips.

"strange, scared yet grateful," he replied, "i can know about other people's culture in advanced, met knew people, teach them what this company is about and teaching them chinese in process."

"i feel scared yet grateful because at a young age like me, all i want to do is play play and play or maybe like you--go to college but no, i thought i would fail and ruined this company but my father believed in me so i set my chin up and did my best, i'm grateful that now i make a lot of money."

dongyoung nodded his head while writing down the words that lucas had said before finally took the recorder that was placed on top of the desk and click the button to stop recording and packed his things.

"i really thank you, mr. wong," dongyoung said giving lucas a wide smile of his, "this helps my last essay before i graduate."

lucas nodded and force a smile before dongyoung stood up and about to leave but lucas called his name again.

"wait," lucas called that got dongyoung's attention, "what is your relationship with baram?" he asks that got dongyoung rose his brows.

"she's my cousin," dongyoung replied, "we have the same first name, my dad is her father's brother." lucas nodded his head and let dongyoung walked out from his office. 

for some reason it felt relieve, knowing that they have blood related and the risk of liking one another is small so there's a lot of chance for lucas to take or have baram's heart.

"are you okay, sir?" lucas suddenly stop what he was doing, realizing himself that he's been smiling like a weirdo when dongyoung is still inside his office.

lucas shook his head, "nothing, thank you young man."

dongyoung walk out from lucas' office with a confused look on his face and closed the door behind him.

the day went on with lucas attending the eleven sharp meeting in his office about the big project that was located in china.

baram and some other employee are here as their position are needed in the meeting and also in the upcoming project.

lucas had his eyes locked on baram since she walk inside the main conference room with her glasses. lucas cannot swallow the lump on his throat when he saw baram waled in sexily with her pencil skirt and black button up shirt that one button had opened.

the dream he had last night suddenly haunts him again, forming a tent on his trousers as he buried his bottom part further in the table as taeyong started the meeting.

hours had passed by, lucas knew baram tried to maintain herself for not staring back at lucas the whole time and somehow that's making the "game" more interesting.

he knows how baram feel nervous when she fiddle with anything that she could find while her eyes looked everywhere and avoid the beast that has been looking at her.

the staring keeps on continue but soon enough, baram finally set her eyes on him followed by a voice that had broken their stare.

"mr. wong, do you agree on these terms?"

shit, i don't even know what taeyong had explained.

kind of strange chapter i know. don't forget to vote and comment!

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