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kim baram

three hours of working was almost feel the same like torture, the female employee cannot maintain their hormones or their ass in their seats as they keep on bugging jaehyun with every type of question that for them are questionable.

jaehyun, being respectful and polite guy and still fresh as a daisy as in nice to their seniors, he replied, each and every question that's been bombarded to him.

baram could only rolled her eyes, telling herself what an attention seeker they are and continue to work since there's only three papers left she might as well finish it in one go before going to lunch.

she pushed the bridge of her glasses after pulling her long hair into a neat bun, "wait - this paper hasn't been sign yet--" she stopped her words before peeking from her cubicle towards lucas' room and saw that he was on the phone with someone.

biting her bottom lip she finally rose from her seat, straightening the curls on her shirt and pencil skirt before walking towards lucas' office with the paper he has to sign.

peeking for the second time, a sigh of relief pass her lips when baram saw lucas placing his phone down on his table.

this is the second time she went inside lucas' office. the first time was because she was late going to work and have to face lucas for a long eternal speech. 

well, whenever she tried to talk or need him for signing documents he's never there. he often come to the office, twice in one week but maybe now he'll be at the office everyday because there's a rumor about a big project coming up back in china he might be here everyday.

"come in." the low husky voice echoed from inside before finally baram pull the door knob downwards and stepped inside, his scent hitting her nose like always. 

"ah, kim baram," her name past his lips before he leaned back against his expensive black leather chair and clasped both of his hands together, "how may i help you?"

a sexy smirk appeared on his face, making baram almost half cringe and half gulping the lump in her throat.

she straighten her posture before clearing her throat, "this document," she said showing the documents on her hand, "you haven't sign it yet."

baram took a step forward, wanting to place the document on the table but her clumsy and trembling hand make it fall to the carpeted floor.

"you should be more..." his words trailed off when she saw baram bending down to pick up the paper, showing how her curves really look like.

lucas swallow the saliva in his mouth, seeing her true figure for the first time as she bends down to pick the fallen document.

he knew baram had the best figure in high school when it was p.e. and when it was swimming day, he saw how the swimming suite hugs her figure perfectly, since then he can never forget how her figure turns him on that day.

and now, she worked for him. making it more miserable for him than it already is.

he can't deny how her pencil skirts sometimes look too short that it shows the milky skin of her thighs and how her button up shirt looks so tight around her body.

suddenly he felt his trousers tighten and looking down to where the source is, he bit his bottom lip before turning his face to the left not wanting to make a bigger tent on his trousers. he had no choice but to pull his lower part inside the table as baram finally place the document on his table.

"thank you, i'll give it to you after lunch--talking about lunch," he said quick enough to catch baram's attention, "have a lunch with me."

the statement shock baram and for the first time her heart beats fast.

"wong fucking yuk-hei asks me to get lunch together." baram said in a mocking way before crossing her arms in front of her chest giving lucas more view of her cleavage. the more he look the more formed his tent on his pants.

"are you getting friendly with me right now? remember baram, i'm still your boss." lucas said glaring to the female standing in front of him with a cocky face.

baram laughs before rolling her eyes to him, "that doesn't change the fact you're the jerk in high school and it doesn't change the fact you ruined my high school year." baram said tone getting higher and higher in each word.

lucas didn't know what to do. baram is right, he ruined her high school year even prom. he throw dirt at baram's expensive prom dress that her aunt had made for her.

a sigh left his lips before he massage his temple with his eyes closed, "fine i'm sorry okay?" he said that makes baram scoffed.

"sorry doesn't fix what happens between the both of us, mr. wong." she turns around about to leave but lucas was fast enough to catch her before walking out the door, hand held her wrist that whipped her around to face him.

"have a lunch with me, i don't care if you still hate me - but please have a lunch with me."

her brows knitted, why all of a sudden he asked her to have lunch with him. this is the first time he ever asked her like this - never in a million years he would've asked an employee to have dinner with him let alone baram.

she never imagined or think about having lunch with him - not even a ride to work how come he will asked her for lunch?

"why? why not jisoo, you're assistant." baram replied peeling his grip on her wrist.

"she's off for the rest of the month and all i have now is you, the person i know."

"you know me?" baram said, sarcastic tone lingered in her words before chuckling, "you don't know anything about me--"

"just have a lunch with me or you'll be punished for the rest of your life kim baram." her wicked lips suddenly went into a tight strip line and eyes bore into him.

he just say what?

"fine." baram finally agree. don't know why he insisted her to come but this have to be worth to come because she did not want her life to get ruined again for the second time. she can't let it happened again.

"great," he said with a satisfy smile before walking back to his table and took a pen to sign the document and gave it to baram, "see you at the later."

he didn't forget to give her a wink, a naughty one before baram quickly went out from his office with disgust look on her face. 

boss •• nct lucas [completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant