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lucas tighten his shoelace and stretch his tense muscles before walking out from his apartment to take a good one hour of jog around the neighborhood.

he never liked to go to the gym near his apartment nor the one in his apartment building. he never liked exercising together with other people.

he had his own in his apartment, in one of the rooms but he felt like he needed some fresh air just for this time and besides he have no work to get done, he had finished them all at the office.

work had drown his energy, papers to sign and meetings to attend due the upcoming project together with another branch in china - where his father used to work.

lucas was just assigned by his father to take care of the branch in korea while his father and mother took care the ones back in china.

lucas didn't want it to be honest, he wanted to follow his dreams as an idol. he wanted to be famous and have a lot of fans that adores him so much. he wanted attention but his father had denied his dreams, scold him that make lucas didn't have no choice but to do what his father had told him to do.

his mother on the other side can't do anything and just tell lucas to do what his father had asked.

lucas had a rough childhood up until now. he can never have peace in his life.

stopping for a moment after a long jog, lucas took a deep breath before wiping some of his sweats with the hem of his jacket.

his thoughts caught him all of a sudden that make him lost track of time and make him stop for a moment after a long run, lucas took a deep breath and wipe some of the sweats before unzip the zipper on his jacket and let all the people around sees his beautiful honey glazed abs.

he continue to run after adding the volume on his music and smirk when he saw a familiar figure jogging to his way yet turn around when she saw him to her way.

his smirk grew bigger when an idea popped up on his head while fasten his run and place his cold hands on top of her shoulder.

"where do you think you're going miss?" his deep voice speak before turning her around to face his sweaty and red face.

"it's not nice to ignore your boss." he continue before finally baram rolled her eyes and let out a scoff.

lucas bit his bottom lips when she rolled her eyes looking all annoyed and red.

"we're not in the office lucas, don't be such a cocky person." baram push his hand off her shoulder before took a step back away from lucas and make him knitted his brows.

lucas let out a chuckle, scratching his temple with his forefinger while looking down to his feet and look back up to baram that her cheeks had turn redder.

"you're still the same since high school kim baram."

lucas straighten his posture before took a step forward and lucas was quick enough to grab her waist and pull her closer to his chest. biting his lips lucas spoke, "feisty and attracting."

lucas smirk appears when she tried to wriggle herself out from his grip and for some reason lucas like this position, he can feel her soft skin against his finger tips.

baram blinked her eyes when she set her eyes on him seeing the darker and hooded eyes of him before push lucas away from her, releasing the grip around her waist.

"get away from me." she said. but lucas was way faster than she is. his lips are beside her

"admit it baram, you can't resist me." he said just inches away from her ear that he can feel her shiver in his embrace, releasing the devil smirk.

she pushed herself off, finally free from lucas' grip and she quickly turn around. the walk turns into a small jog before she starts to run away from him as fast as she could that soon disappear from lucas sight.


lucas day change drastically. he smile like an idiot and greets people around him while walking back to his house. he hops like a little kid after getting the ice cream he wanted.

the song at the background supporting him even more jumpy and giddy like a little kid while he rubs his face cologne after a good morning shave. 

he walk back home with red cheeks and wide smile on his face. he didn't know since when he starts to imagining things and got flustered.

but he knew exactly why he act this why and felt this way. seeing baram flustered with deep red blush on her cheeks makes hi satisfy.

lucas stare at his large hands and another big toothy smile appear on his face. he still can feel baram's soft skin against his.

he didn't expect to see her the first thing in the morning, not to mention how sexy she looks with her jogging attire, glistening skin with dripping sweats around her forehead-

that is what in lucas mind when he saw her walking towards his way but turned around when she saw him.

choosing clothes never been so colorful for him and never been so easy for him choosing a shoes for him to wear for today's lunch meeting.

"did you take the wrong medicine?" taeyong asks when he saw his friend walking inside the five star restaurant with a smile and giddy steps.

taeyong was his good friend back in china, he's pure korean but once live in china for about three years before both of move to korea.

lucas shook his head, "nah, i just ate the right medicine this morning." he replied before clearing his throat just before important people walks in and shook hands with him and taeyong.


"i thank you all for coming today, i hope we have a great teamwork for the better future," lucas rose his glass or white whine before sending smile around the room, "cheers!"  

the room filled with smile and happy vibes. although lucas might've feel giddy and butterfly, he sure feel nervous for this lunch meeting.

he had to bring a good name for his father's company and as a good son, he want to give a good impression to all people that have attend this lunch meeting.

lucas tried his best to approach all the korean companies for the next upcoming project that will help the first branch back in china - maybe his korean isn't the best but his skills on approaching isn't that bad.

maybe lucas hated this job, but for the sake of his parents and mostly father who he can never disobey, he might as well say goodbye to his dreams as an idol or an entertainer.

"i'm impressed, mr. wong," an older male approach him who was standing beside his table with other people surrounding him, "i'm willing to take part in that project."

a wide smile appear on his face before shook the older man hand, "i'm happy to hear."

"my assistant will send you the files that i already signed and hope to meet again soon." he says before bid his goodbye and walk out from the five star restaurant with his people.

"it's going as plan, lucas." taeyong appear beside him before handing lucas another glass of wine, "i'm happy to witness the success."

lucas took the glass of wine before make a small toast with taeyong as his eyes watch the people walk out from the restaurant with smile on their face.

"i hope my father is happy about this."

i'm sorry for the long wait since national exam is coming up i have to prep for it.

i'm sorry of this chapter is ugly.

don't forget to comment and vote!

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