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kim baram

"good morning everyone!" jisoo greeted looking all fresh like a fresh daisy that just bloom. baram rolled her eyes before continue to drink her coffee but them frown when she taste that something was off in the coffee but shrug it off because she thought that it wasn because of jisoo that suddenly the coffee taste abd and continue eating her bread.

today was the first day in china, the first night was great. baram can't sleep thanks to jisoo that makes baram wonder how can she survive when she came back home from china.

even though baram slept in a different room with jisoo, she can feel her judging and hawk eyes of her.

jisoo took a seat next to lucas, who was to immeres by the newspaper he was reading to not noticing jisoo was already next to his.

today they all gonna meet lucas' father at the hospital, since he's not well might as well make a visit for him at the hospital.

"we're going to meet my father in the hospita and i highly hope your attitude are well mannered, do you heard what i say yang jisoo?" lucas said make baram raised her one brows, why did he only remind jisoo?

jisoo nodded her head before continue to eat her breakfast and don't know why baram nodded her head too.

did something happened between them two? why does it suddenly seems off?

lucas seems fine with jisoo do everything for him. making the bread for him, givig him coffee, at first baram thought that it was what assistant do but as more times passing by somehow they both look like a couple.

baram wanted to ask but she knew that she wasn't that type of person who intervene someone's personal life and it's not like she cared even if they really are a couple.

arriving at the hospital, baram cannot lie how nervous she is. meeting the true ceo who had created this company from scratch.

lucas' father was placed in the vvip bedroom and not to mention two big bodyguards are guarding the front door and how it scares baram. the ride from lucas' home to the office was already looking like shit and now she have to face with scary bodyguards.

after breakfast they all went to the hospital in one car and yet again, baram now believe her assumptions are right when jisoo seated next to lucas and how she laced her finger to his.

lucas seems fine, he didn't fight or scold jisoo for breaking the office rules and that quite make baram flaming inside on how lucas doesn't approve her relationship with jaehyun and he, himself walking around with his assistant hands latched on him.

the urge of wanting to ask is getting higher but baram can't do that here, inside the van and decided to hold her bicker until the came back from the hospital.

"please, mr. wu have been waiting for all of you." lucas' father assistant opens the door for the three of them before entering.

therefore a man in a casual red long sleeve pablo shirt and baggy pants stood in front of the big floor to roof window with an infusion hose beside him.

he was tall, grey hair but black on the roots and somehow his big large hands recembles lucas and broad shoulder as well.

"father, why are you not on your bed." lucas called. at first all baram see was his back before he turns around.

 at first all baram see was his back before he turns around

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