t h i r t y- n i n e

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kim baram

baram opens her eyes when the chirping bird was singing and distract her from her sleep. she took a seat on the edge of her bed, wanting to get ready for the second day in china before her head automatically turns to the other side and so no one.

lucas had left.

after hours of trying so hard to sleep, finally she fell asleep at four in the morning. her eyes were still wide open while lucas sleep beside her soundly after the exhausting sex they had earlier.

it's possible for her to gather everything that just happen.

they had sex, lucas was the one who took her virginity, not jaehyun. her feelings are for jaehyun, but the more she thinks, the more she doubted that her feelings was just for one man only. lucas was now in the picture beside her and ready to take her away from jaehyun no matter what.

for a mere time baram think that this was just a one night stand and jisoo being his fiance was real, he played her because his habit of being a man-whore soon will be gone.

but then she remembered the last word he said to her last night after the heated make love.

"do we really have to forget what we did when we're back?" he asks as he layed on his back while caressing baram's hands.

baram sigh, she don't know how many times does she have to explain him.

"lucas, you know this is cheating right?" baram said, "i cheated on jaehyun."

"don't tell me you regret everything that happened now." lucas spoke voice getting higher every second.

"i don't lucas! gosh! but can't i feel guilty towards jaehyun?" baram protest standing up on her feet, "i love him lucas!"

"and what about me then? don't you feel the same? doesn't that's the reason why this is happens after all?"

"don't you think serious of me for once?"

baram can't hide the fact that what he said last night was true. if her feelings weren't the same with lucas, she won't be waking up feeling weak at her core.

she can't hide the fact either that lucas angrily protest to her that after what happened, because he thinks that baram cannot stay still and act like nothing ever happened between the both of them.

baram shook her head before gather the garments on her floor and place it inside the dirty clothes bag before going to the bathroom to get ready when she saw the time on the clock inside the bed she's sleeping.

shower was intense.

baram still can see the visible kiss mark around her neck, chest, around her breast and just above her womanhood.

the thought of lucas' fingers latch around her makes her shivers as he was still there touching her like last night. where he roam his palms all over her curves, feeling every skin, not letting any left. his finger prints are all over her body.

"fuck you yuk-hei." she cursed before continue to dress before going down to the dining room with the others.


baram walked down to the dining room surprised only to see jisoo sitting alone at the dining table, slurping the milk and eating the bread.

she wanted to turn around, because just seeing jisoo at the dining table make her flare. what kind of person she is when she wanted to fake the proposal things because she envied baram so much.

never in her life baram wanted to have a problem with someone, mostly jisoo who had a messy background with her at high school.

"Oh! baram, come have breakfast with me." she wave her hand for baram to come and sat beside her while showing the diamond ring that lucas was force to give her.

seeing jisoo being friendly gave baram shivers down to her spine but she took a seat at the end, the seat was far from where lucas was and baram knew jisoo would do anything to prevent her from getting closer to lucas.

"looking for lucas?" jisoo asks suddenly that make baram blinked her eyes and almost dropped the bread knife, "he's still asleep, kind of strange seeing him pass off as if he had sex for thirthy rounds."

baram choke on her bread and quickly took the napkin from her lap to wipe her mouth before drinking the mineral water beside the warm milk.

"oh, did i surprise you? i'm sorry." she casually said with a straight face before the man who they been talking about walk inside the dining table with a messy bed hair and still sleeping face.

he doesn't talk, glancing to the both women who seated on each side of the table, and didn't even care to greet them and just sat on his chair before munching the breakfast like there's no one else was there.

the maid walked in, placing a tea that has ginseng inside with a weird red colour water that looks a little bit too hot for baram.

"oh! did something happened to you honey?" jisoo asks, furrowing her brows to look worried as she place her hand on lucas' arm that he swatted it away quickly before massaging his head.

"please be ready for the next visiting sight, jisoo please go visit there with my father's assistant." lucas said and baram make a questioning look, so as jisoo.

"w-what about baram? she have to see the construction site too." jisoo protest giving lucas a small pout.

baram knew that something have happened after lucas left baram's bedroom. he looked like he haven't have any good sleep, he looks awful and the eyes under his eyes are getting bigger. it's like looking at a unemployed husband who stressed out thinking about bills.

this is another sight of lucas that baram never seen before. he always cover the stress side of him and never really show it to people how stress he is and always shows his professional side to his workers.

he keeps messaging his temple while drinking the drink that his made had brought for him before letting out a soft sigh from his lips.

"she'll be staying here, father wanted to have a small meeting here."

oh shit, not another alone time with lucas.

i am so sorry, i've been a bad author for only publish one chapter when i say i will update 2/3 chapters in a week.

but my work is piling up and i have no other choice but to finish it not until today peopleeeeeee!

please dont forget to vote and comment!

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