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kim baram

"so how you've been baram?" seolhyun asks after a short minute of awkward silence after seolhyun took a seat next to lucas, who had a mixed emotions and expressions.

"good." baram shortly reply before playing with the hem of her black pencil skirt.

seolhyun didn't forget to flip her black hair behind her shoulder before her eyes finally land to the guy who had shut his mouth after baram agreed about her being his fake girlfriend for this afternoon.

now baram knew, why lucas wanted her to come to lunch this time. he wanted seolhyun to know that he finally moved on.

cliche move but that's the only way he can show her how happy he is without her - even though baram didn't know what actually happened to their relationship.

some people said that they still dating after three years of graduation and broke up because seolhyun couldn't handle long distance relationship when lucas is back in china.

but some people said that they had broke up long time ago, seolhyun was the one who end things and lucas was left heartbroken.

baram didn't care what happened yet baram is curious.

"and you," she spoke, "how are you?"

lucas rolled his eyes, placing both of his elbow on top of the white sheets of the table and letting out a scoff.

"never been better." he shortly replied before drinking his red wine on the table, gulping it in one motion that took baram by surprise.

"you're driving remember that lucas." baram warned that make seolhyun stared at her with a curious expression.

"i know, i know." lucas replied yet he still gulping the wine that the waiter had poured for him.

seolhyun glance back and forth to the two of them, squinting her eyes before crossing her arms in front of her chest.

baram notice seolhyun's stare and suddenly felt her throat and mouth dry. she took the water that was placed beside the wine glass, the steak was long gone forgotten - she didn't care if the dish isn't finish.

"is there something going on between the two of you?" baram choked on her drink, quickly grab the nearest napkin she can reach before wiping her mouth and nervously glancing to lucas who was now look calm - to his normal self.

"are you guys dating?"

"yes, we are." lucas said too quickly and baram could only shut her mouth. she was never good at lying.

seolhyun let out a scoff before rolling her eyes, "then what you need me here for?"

baram could only stare at the two of them arguing, she can't really lie, she never lie before in her life. baram is a good person all of her life.

"i need to give you this." lucas dig his hand inside his trousers pocket before finally throwing a shiny silver ring on the table, earning a small clink when it hit the wine glass.

lucas bit his inner cheek before drifting his face to the side, not wanting to see seolhyun's watery eyes when she saw the ring being tossed on top of the table by lucas.

"you... you really moved on." she barely said it in a whisper, a tear finally fell from her eyes.

lucas hands turned into fist before finally abruptly standing up making a screeching noise from the chairs and stare into baram's eyes.

"let's go."

the car ride was a dead silent ride and baram thank god for bringing her back to the office in one piece despite how many glass of wine that lucas had chug.

lucas did not speak until they arrived back at the office where everyone is already back from their lunch and where everyone had their eyes on baram when she walked back to her cubicle, the same time as lucas walk pass her cubicle.

"did you go somewhere with mr. wong?" someone ask or to be precise, gina, the woman that was known as the head of the gossip girls.

baram turned her head to the voice before shaking her head, "no, we just bumped into each other in the elevator."

gina pouted her lips while nodding before going back to work and baram let out a relieve sigh before taking off her glasses.

while baram took her small time to meditate or to pray, a knock on her table  make her head turn to the left, where jaehyun is and raised her brows.

"have you eat lunch yet baram?" he asks and for second, baram thinks. did she finished her lunch earlier?

baram bit her bottom lip when she remembered that lucas got up from the table to leave the restaurant when seolhyun was there.

baram only eat half of the steak, she can't move or eat when seolhyun and lucas are bickering and making her hard to eat.

and the way back was more than just a torture, baram can feel her stomach rumbling over and over again.

"here, eat this okay?" jaehyun give her a smile and place a sandwich and also a milk tea on her table.

she knew he heard her stomach growling and her face turn into a shade pink before softly mumbling a small thank you to jaehyun.


"noona!" baram stopped her feet before looking to the left where the familiar voice came from and raised her brows in surprise.

jungwoo was standing outside the building with red nose and hands on the air waving at her like a little kid and jog towards where baram was standing.

"what are you doing here?" baram asks before giving her scarf to jungwoo who look way too cold than her, "why didn't you go straight--"

"kim jungwoo?" baram turn around to see jaehyun walking towards their way and got her questioned.

"you guys know each other?" baram asks glancing back and forth from her brother to the new intern that just start today. jungwoo nodded his head like a little kid with his usual innocent like smile.

"he's my singing instructor." jungwoo said and make baram's jaw slacked open.

jungwoo once told her about his singing instructor but never told her how he look like or how old he is. he once mention the name jung yoon-oh not jung jaehyun.

"so this is your attractive noona?"

baram almost choke on her own saliva when jaehyun speak while smiling, showing her his pearly white teeth and his deep dimples on the both side of his cheeks.

*another ugly chapter*

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