Chapter 3

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"'s done," Toadette looked at Lavinia's body, the girl still choking and struggling to live. "Shut up and die already... you're lucky I didn't make it worse."

Her indigo eyes connected with Toadette's moments before she stopped struggling, and she suddenly was taken back to the past. Part of Lavinia's power, that Toadette had never got to see..?

"What the-" Dixie had cried out, her last words muffled as Lavinia slapped her hand over her mouth. Dixie had just been reading when all of a sudden Lavinia had grabbed her from behind, not even letting Dixie pick up her weapon.

Dixie's elbow shot around, hitting Lavinia in the face. The purple haired girl stumbled back, annoyed. She pulled out the katana Kaira had given her as Dixie managed to pull out her daggers.

"Who are you?" Dixie's normally cheerful voice was steady with concentration. "What do you want?"

"Right, introductions are necessary," Lavinia mused. "My name is Lavinia Okada- remember it as I kill you."

"Why would you kill me? What have I done?" Dixie asked, confused. "Why?"

"You haven't done anything. This is to teach your good friend Kaira not to mess with me."

The scene switched to Dixie's muffled screaming, strapped to a chair.

"Oh? Does that hurt?" Lavinia mocked, dragging one of Dixie's daggers into Dixie's skin. "Whoops."

Lavinia yelped as the handle of the dagger grew red hot, and she dropped it.

"Oh, you're temperamental? I'll just use my katana then, that Kaira was so thankful to provide."

Toadette watched in horror as she watched Dixie's torture filled death, watching Lavinia hang the monkey's body and cutting away...

"That's what a half breed like you deserves."

With a cry, Toadette stepped forward and stepped on Lavinia's stomach. Her foot continued stomping as she reached over, her hands punching the body. It was no use, Lavinia was dead, but Toadette wanted the girl to feel more pain.

" in peace, Dixie..." Saiko whispered. "...Dixie..."

"Damn it all..." Toadette ignored the tears sliding down her face. "Why did this have to happen..."

She looked at her blood covered hands, sighing.

"Dixie wouldn't have wanted this..."


"...Dixie is dead?" Kaira asked as she was informed by Pauline. "You're sure? Don't mess around with me anymore-"

"She's dead," Pauline interrupted. "Yes. The murderer has already been taken care of."



"Good," Kaira breathed a sigh of relief. "...this is unfair..."

" tends to be," Pauline looked away. "Aren't you aware of that already?"

"There goes my hope of wishing it gets better," Kaira sighed. "...are we having a... er.. what do they call it..."

"A what?"

"When people die... something to mourn."

"A funeral?"

"Sure," Kaira nodded. "Yes. Are we having one? Don't even think about saying no..."

"Well, luckily for you, the answer is yes, she's a warden," Pauline added. "We won't let her death be forgotten. This'll serve as a lesson for people to not even bother attacking you guys again. We'll put the attacker's body on display, to make an example."

"Good," Kaira said. "...will you have to replace her..."

"Yes, Birdo wants two wardens under her," Pauline answered. "But you can't truly replace Dixie. No one can be as positive as she was."

"...okay," Kaira mumbled. "...okay."

Uncharacteristically, Pauline patted Kaira on the shoulder.

"It'll get better."

"I hope so."

"It will," Pauline nodded. "...I don't know who to give Toadette for a warden."

"Why don't you let her pick?" Kaira suggested, downhearted. "She's probably... devastated."

"You're right about that," Pauline shook her head. "She's extremely despondent. Not that I blame her. If she wasn't, I'd think she'd be insane."

"...I'm not used to seeing you like this, Pauline," Kaira looked up at the normally cocky and snarky woman. "It's strange."

"Well, seeing Dixie hang like that was unfair," Pauline scowled. " wouldn't have bothered me if it wasn't her. I forgot that you wardens aren't invincible."

"I guess so...." Kaira sighed. "Everything seemed so normal for awhile. I forgot what things were like when it was like this."

"'ve been here longer than me," Pauline stated. "It was that bad?"

"Yeah. A lot of my friends... died. I thought... things were normal now. But I was wrong..."

"Things are never normal here, are they?"

"I'm surprised you're just learning this now."

Hey everyone! Hope you guys are enjoying Instability.

About the OC's- I have to do a couple more chapters before I can accept OC submissions, but another form will be happening. Please remember that your OC may not make it in. I don't plan on taking too many in, if I like your character, they will! Remember not to have personalities that already exist, and start thinking about it. I'll post an OC form once it's time. It won't disrupt from the story... too much. Hopefully.

Question of the chapter: do you think Dixie should've died?

Anyway...thanks for reading!

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