Chapter 34

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Finally healed, Daisy began training with Saiko again. To her relief, Saiko deemed the fight with herself wasn't as helpful as it would be to make fake monsters. Daisy was training with monsters made of Saiko's ice, her hammer smashing through each one. Saiko finally agreed that it was time to go and break the fifth Grand Star.

"Okay, Daisy. Saiko know's that what Daisy's about to do is going to be really hard, but Daisy has to remember that if Daisy fails, Rosalina can't help," Saiko reminded, not helping to soothe Daisy's nerves about the whole situation. "That's all Daisy. The minute Daisy breaks the Star, Rosalina will take you two out. Okay? Saiko has to stay here with Kaira so that...when it's broken, nothing bad happens."

"Understood," Daisy nodded. "Er...we don't even know where it is."

"That's not true," Toadette piped up. Her brown eyes stared at Daisy and Rosalina cautiously, as if she wanted to study them in case it was the last time. "While I was with the other wardens, they let it slip that there was a hole in their room and they didn't know what to do. That's solid enough proof for me that there's an entrance in their room."

"How are we get in there?" Rosalina questioned, not sure of how Toadette expected them to somehow get into their room. For one, they were in another ward, and two, Rosalina could only make a portal to places she's seen before. While she'd seen their room, she didn't know which one it was. "I can't to somewhere...I don't know."

"Well, that's the thing," Toadette replied. "I have another warden meeting later today. It's in their room, so I'll check the room number. Will that do?"

"Perhaps... bu how do we get there without them realizing?"

"When they have an arena battle," Toadette continued, and Daisy realized that the shorter girl had been thinking about her plan for awhile. "You can teleport with Daisy, and then get in there."

"So it's decided!" Saiko cheered. "Tada!"


"The perpetrators haven't tried again," Sora observed, her long black hair falling into her face, which she pushed back hurriedly. Rhea and Sora sat on their respective beds, while Toadette, Samantha, Kaira, and Saiko sat in chairs they'd pulled up. "They're either struggling, or gave up, which is highly unlikely."

"What could they even be trying to achieve by breaking each Grand Star?" Rhea questioned, and Toadette realized that Rhea and Sora had either been lied to, or not told that the Grand Stars signified the prison's base, in a way.

"It does seem rather pointless, doesn't it?" Saiko shrugged cheerfully, a smile on her face. While the people of their ward found Saiko's happiness refreshing, Sora and Rhea clearly did not as they glared at the blue haired girl. This, of course, led to them being stared down by Kaira and her intimidating glare. Toadette just watched and didn't intervene, but she did scoff at Saiko's lie.

"There has to be a reason that we're unaware of," Samantha sighed, not wanting to get caught up in the middle of the drama between the group. "It would probably help us in our investigation if we knew what it was."

"Well, Mario and Wendy kept that information from us for a reason," Rhea snapped. She was of a no-nonsense personality, sucking the fun out of the others. "So they either figured we'd be sympathetic to their cause, or they just didn't deem us important enough to tell us."

"It seems all you two do are make two reasons," Kaira folded her arms, her red hair blocking her murderous gaze from sight. "Can you make a decision for once?"

"At least we're coming up with something."

In an instant, Kaira had Sora pinned against the wall, Muramasa pressing against her neck as the Asian girl glared at the redhead. Rhea lunged at Kaira in anger, but Saiko was quicker and tackled Rhea to the ground.

"I think you're better off not angering members of Bloody Hell," Kaira reminded them, releasing Sora. "You may be a warden, but you aren't the strongest. Get your shit together."

"I think this meeting should be concluded," Samantha sighed. "Goodbye."

The group left, Sora and Rhea slamming the door. Toadette glanced at the black number next to their door.

Number 13A.


"It's going a long journey," Rosalina reminded Daisy as the two pulled on their pink cloaks. "Are you ready...?"

"More than I'll ever be."

The platinum blonde haired woman sighed, and waved her hands, creating a portal.

"Alright. Let's go."

Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying Instability.

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite of the wardens?

Thanks for reading!

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