Chapter 37

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"...Dixie, I'm so sorry."

Toadette sat on Dixie's bed, the blood long gone. She folded her hands on her lap, her eyes dark with sorrow.

"I didn't think we'd lose anyone else, but at this point, we've practically lost Kaira.. What do I do? I have been selfish. Dixie, why aren't you here... it would've been the first thing you thought of. It should've been me, Dixie..."

Obviously, no response came back. Dixie was dead and there was nothing anyone could do about that, not even Mario. For if he could, Mario would've raised Dixie, Tsuki, Scarlet, and the rest of Satsuki's friends just to see Satsuki genuinely smile again...

But they were dead. There was no coming back from that. It always seemed that the nice ones were always the ones to go. They had done nothing wrong in their life, but yet...

"I need to stop making the same mistakes," Toadette continued, the normally stern and alert girl reduced to an apologizing mess. "If Kaira doesn't wake up, then I'll have fucked up just like I did with you.. fuck. Why am I such a bad friend..?"

The girl was left to mope, and her hopes of Dixie coming back was reduced to zero. She was gone, and no matter how much Toadette wished, she wasn't coming back.



"I'm. So. Over it!"

The normally calm Alexis was extremely irritated as Mario had requested a room check, and everyone had to remain in their cells. She was hungry, and not in the mood to deal with anything.

Her cell mate was an anti social girl named Nichole, who had black hair with purple streaks in it. She glanced up, her lavender eyes staring at Alexis. She didn't care for why Alexis was angry, she just wanted her to be quiet so she could continue reading her book.

"What is it now?"

"I'm just not in a good mood," Alexis was genuinely shocked that Nichole had even said anything, for whenever she was down in the dumps, Nichole just let Alexis mope. "I'm hungry. Why do we even have to do a room check?"

Nichole raised her brow, surprised that Alexis hadn't figured out the news Mario had been trying to keep from spilling out. It wasn't as if Alexis was living under a rock, either. She was extremely social, so the fact that she hadn't figured it out was strange.

"People are trying to destroy something called the Grand Stars," Nichole turned her attention back to her book. "I don't know what they're for, but Mario cares for them an awful lot."

"Hmm," Alexis tried to think of a possible cause, throwing her brown hair into a ponytail. "Maybe it keeps the arena in place? I don't know."

"Whatever it is, Mario is pissed."

The door swung open, revealing said angered man along with Pauline.

"Hands up! Against the door, both of you," Mario barked, as he began to search the room. Pauline kept a close eye on Alexis and Nichole, but they didn't check small containers or anything like that, leaving Alexis to determine that they had to be searching for something of a decent size. When they were finally done with the inspection, Pauline patted Nichole and Alexis down to make sure they weren't housing anything dangerous.

"All clear," Pauline reported. "Next!"

The two watched as the door locked, and they were set into the same silence as before.


"Saiko, listen-"

"Saiko doesn't want to hear any of it!"

Daisy was desperately trying to get on Saiko's good side again, for her aid would be needed for the other Grand Stars, but the stubborn blue haired female refused. They were making a bit of a scene, so Saiko dragged Daisy down to her room.

"It's not that we don't care for Kaira," Daisy tried to explain, and Saiko sneered, but allowed Daisy to keep talking. "We don't exactly have keys to every room like you all do."

"Coulda asked, easily," Saiko dismissed Daisy's lame excuse. "Saiko doesn't think she should help Daisy if she doesn't even care for Kaira. She's been unconscious for a week and a half!"


"We might not have a lot a time with Kaira!" Saiko cried out. "If-if we do break the Grand Stars..."

In her sleep, the redhead smiled.

"Okay, I'm sorry! You're right," Daisy admitted. "I was only thinking of myself. But I didn't know it was that bad with Kaira..I can atone for that!"

"It doesn't matter that Daisy can make it better," Saiko shook her head. "It's the fact that Daisy didn't even think about it before. How inconsiderate is Daisy?"

"I'm so, so sorry... Saiko, you've got to help me though," Daisy couldn't come up with anything for her pitiful excuses. "Don't you want to go outside?"

"Not without Kaira."

"And we will! We've just got to do this. Okay?"

Saiko sighed, and she was obviously still irritated, but nodded anyway.

"Okay. Fine."

Hey everyone! Happy Halloween :)

Question of the chapter: how do you feel about Mario?

Thanks for reading!

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