Chapter 14

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"Alright! We're going to find one, today!" Daisy announced. She was more fired up than ever since her talk with Peach. She was determined to get out, and Daisy was desperate since Peach's visit. That's why she'd called for the meeting- and the members stared at her.

"We still don't have a plan..." Rosalina interjected.

"Yeah..." Toadette agreed. "Daisy-"

"Look, I know it sounds crazy that all of a sudden I'm hustling...but I have people on the outside that I need to see."

"I understand that," Kaira interrupted. "But if we leave, they may end up with their blood on my hands if this doesn't work out...keep that in mind, alright?"

"Kaira!" Saiko scowled at her partner. "Don't think like that!"

"I'm just being realistic."

"Anyway," Daisy interjected. "I'm thinking of bringing Luigi into our breaking out group... is that alright?"

Truth be told, Daisy had just forgotten to invite him to the meeting and assumed he was already in. But she had to ask.

"Why would we have a problem with that..?" Rosalina questioned. "I'm fine with that..."

"Okay! Good to know."

"Anyway. I'm going to go out to look today. Let's all do it. Let's all meet up in two hours and report any oddities in the walls and such."


Before she could observe her own mission, she had to inform Luigi on their plans. She found him in the cafeteria, and sat next to him quickly.

"Hey. I gotta tell you something, so when you're finished, come meet me in my cell, Okay?"

"Yeah, sure..."

Luigi came to her cell quickly, where Daisy was awaiting his arrival.

"Hey," Daisy greeted. "So um..."

Daisy didn't know how to phrase it.

"Well, a couple of us and I," Daisy said quietly. "We're starting a plan to escape."


"I would like you to help us," Daisy continued. "Come with us... we can get out-"

"Yeah," Luigi cut her off. "Let's do it."


Two hours later, everyone met back up in Daisy and Rosalina's cell.

"Well? Did anyone find anything interesting?" Daisy questioned. "Cause I've got nothing."

"No..." Rosalina shook her head in disappointment. "They moved them since last time.."

"Unfortunately, I didn't find anything either," Toadette replied. "I'm sorry."

"Same," Saiko sighed. "Saiko's sure we'll find something, though."

"I had no luck either," Kaira added. "Although you probably figured that out already."

"Damn," Daisy muttered. "So no luck?"

"Well, I think I found something," Toadette spoke up quietly.

"But you just said-"

"I think I found something right now."

Toadette pointed behind Kaira, and everyone turned to look. It was a tiny crack in the wall, hardly big enough to cause a difference, but it could lead to something.


"So we're just going to take a crack in the wall as evidence?" Luigi questioned. "What even-"

Kaira knocked on it lightly, and in a moment, the wall split open to reveal a hallway.

"That," Kaira pointed. "Yes, we are."

"Let's go!" Daisy was excited. "Yes!"

"Hold on," Saiko stopped her. "They've got cameras. We need disguises. Or at least something to hide our faces."


Minutes after, Daisy and Rosalina found themselves cloaked in bright pink.

"Why... just us..?" Rosalina questioned.

"They're gonna get suspicious if it's all of us," Toadette reminded them. "Bright pink isn't what they'll be expecting."

"So... we just stay here?" Luigi asked. "While they-"

"Yes," Kaira nodded. "They'll be alright. Just don't give up."

"Got it."

"Oh, and take this," Kaira handed them a giant hammer. "Destroy this. So they don't know who it is."

The two walked into the tunnel, the door closing behind them.

It seemed like they'd been walking for forever. The door seemed farther and farther the more they walked, and they understood why Kaira had told them not to give up.

Walking hurt.

Rosalina was floating, so she was fine, but Daisy's feet hurt. She wanted to give up. The hammer floated next to her.

"Rosalina, do you know how much farther?" Daisy sighed as they kept moving. "You made this... right?"

"Yes... but they moved the locations of the Grand Stars...." Rosalina replied. "It's no surprise that they moved one into our room... we've still got awhile to go."

"Ugh," Daisy complained. "It's so far.."

"It's to test your will... to see how badly you really want to leave this place."

"Oh," Daisy responded. "That makes sense, haha."

Finally, after what seemed like years of walking, they made it to the door. They both pulled the hoods up on their cloaks, and Daisy pushed open the door.

Immediately, the two were surprised as vines shot up and wrapped themselves around the two. Normally, this would've stopped anyone in their tracks, but Daisy just waved her hand and the plants went away. They stepped further in and they saw it.

The Grand Star.

"Holy shit," Daisy breathed. "Wow.."

"Shh.. we cant let them hear us.. can you destroy it?"

"I'll try."

Daisy picked up the huge hammer, and smashed the star. It broke into shatters, alarms immediately going off. The door shut behind them, and Daisy began to panic.

"What do we do!"

"I... don't know..!"


Back at the cell, everyone was talking when suddenly Kaira gasped out loud. Her body contorted awkwardly as blood flew into the air, her hair flying wildly in the air.

"Satsuki!" Saiko's eyes widened in astonishment. "Wha-what's happening!?"

Her eyes turned completely black and then shifted back to her normal color. She collapsed to the ground, blood splattering back onto the ground.


Hey everyone, hope you're enjoying. Thanks for reading :)

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