Chapter 31

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"Have you ever seen snow, Daisy?"

"Snow?" Daisy's eyes widened at the question, as it seemed rather ridiculous, but she had to remember the background Saiko came from. Saiko had been created out of a tube, after all. She'd never experienced the outdoors except for the time in the arena. Now that she thought about it, winter had to have passed or at least be in the middle of winter, but she had yet to see snow in the arena. She figured it was some sort of dome, since Mario seemed to have technology that the rest of the world didn't have. What a shame it was wasted on this prison. "Yeah, I have seen snow."

Snow. Snow was an innocent, beautiful crystal like substance that honestly filled Daisy with wonder every time she saw it, but was deadly if one wasn't prepared for it. In a way, snow reminded her of Saiko- innocent, but deadly. The fact that Saiko hadn't seen it saddened Daisy.

"Saiko's always wanted to see snow," Saiko smiled sadly, staring at the walls of her and Kaira's cell, decorated in multiple fan photos of themselves that they'd bought from the prison's spirit shop for fun. "That's why Saiko wants to leave so badly...All of this, Saiko's never seen. How about the ocean? A frozen over lake?"

"There's nothing too special about a frozen over lake," Daisy admitted, but didn't want to bring the girl's spirits down. "It's really just ice. The ocean is pretty though. It's endless, water for days. There's islands, and forests full of green leaves and beautiful flowers."

"Flowers," Saiko's eyes grew wider, and she clapped her hands in excitement. "Ooh, flowers! Saiko's heard of them, but Saiko's never seen them! Are they soft? Do they break easily?"

"You really haven't seen flowers?" Daisy was practically in shock that she didn't see flowers, something she'd always taken for granted.

"Not in real life...Kaira and Saiko haven't."

"Well, I can change that," Daisy stood up, and she held her hand out. In seconds, two beautiful flowers sprouted in her hand, a red and luscious rose with a blue lily. Saiko gasped, her large eyes wide with wonder as she tentatively touched the petals of the flowers.

"Oh my gosh," Saiko whispered. " is so cool!"

Daisy was literally at a loss of words.

Saiko, who was so talented with the magic of water that she could transform it to ice, whose talent with a scythe was unmatched, and one of the strongest in the prison was... enthralled by a simple flower.

Everything in her life beforehand, just came rushing to her all of a sudden. Those school days she'd dreaded over and over again, what she'd give to go back to those. The days at the ice cream shop when they'd run out of orange sherbet, and she'd be so upset over it Peach had to calm her down. She missed her old life, but she also realized something else. She needed to break everyone out, especially Kaira and Saiko, so they could experience the world they never had before.


"Toadette," Pauline greeted sharply, her cold, grey eyes staring at the pink haired female. "I have an assignment. I need you and Samantha to go meet with Wendy's wardens and discuss safety precautions about the Grand Star rooms."

"What about Kaira and Saiko?" Toadette asked naturally, after all, they were Pauline's wardens. They were the Big Bad of the prison. But Pauline shook her head no, indicating to the girl that while Kaira and Saiko were in their suspicion, Toadette was not.

"No. Samantha is already there. Follow the arena, and go through the other ward. They'll meet you there."

"Yeah, whatever."


"You made it," Samantha stated as Toadette joined the party. While Toadette didn't have problems with Samantha, she just wasn't Dixie. The one thing that she did like about Samantha not being Dixie was that Samantha kept to herself, and didn't bother making conversation except for when she had to. "Congratulations."

The rest of the group was an Asian female with her long hair in two pigtails in the front, and clad in navy blue while the other was a darker skinned beauty with her hair held in a bun, and wearing black.

"Hey," The Asian one greeted, with long black hair trailing down her back. "Toadette, correct? My name is Sora. This is Rhea."

"Hi," Rhea made no other attempt of cheerfulness, and neither did Sora. The two just wanted to get the work done and leave, which was understandable. "So. What defenses do you think should be put to protect the Grand Stars? Personally, I think the monsters from the arena are a good idea."

"I think so as well," Samantha spoke, her white hair falling in her eyes and giving her an innocent look. Toadette wondered what happened to her before the prison. "The harder ones. Not the baby ones, anyone could kill those."

Crap. Toadette had to make sure that the guards posted there could be taken care of relatively easy.

"How about Koopas?" Toadette suggested, and everyone looked at her suspiciously. "The ones with the wings. Combine it with Hammer Bros. A giant, shelled creature that can fly, and is throwing hammers at you."

"That's...a good idea," Sora nodded. "Okay, I'm chill with that."

Hey everyone! Finished this update bright and early...

Question of the chapter: how would YOU feel if you saw a real life hammer bro/koopa?

Thanks for reading!

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