Chapter 16

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"How are you feeling, Kaira?" Daisy questioned as she sat down by Saiko and Kaira for breakfast. "Any better?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now," Kaira replied. "Had a huge headache when I woke up yesterday, but I feel okay now. Thankfully."

"Yup! Sat-er, Kaira," Saiko caught herself as Kaira shot herself a look. "Kaira complained an awful lot yesterday, hehe!"

"No i didn't, shut up," Kaira grumbled. "You try having the pain I do."

"Sorry, sorry," Saiko smiled. "Kaira used to say Saiko complained a lot. Now, we switched! Hehe!"

"Whatever," Kaira sighed. "You should've heard her when we were younger. Used to complain about Rosalina and Mario non-stop."

"Saiko wasn't wrong, was she?" Saiko pointed out. "They're-"

"Rosalina's not bad anymore," Daisy defended. "She wasn't bad in the first place. She just-"

"She created Saiko for Satsuki's entertainment, yes, that makes her great," Saiko rolled her eyes. "She neglected Saiko, but she's an angel. Saiko forgot."

"Please, Saiko. As if she's an angel," Kaira scowled. "But she's not as bad as you make her out to be-"

"Sure, sure."

"She raised us."

"She raised Kaira," Saiko shook her head. "Saiko didn't matter to Rosalina."

"Of course you did-"

"Saiko's leaving now!" Saiko replied sharply, standing up and walking away.

Kaira shook her head in disbelief.

"She'll never admit she's wrong. Stubborn one. Even if the truth is obviously not what she's fighting for.."

"Well, stubbornness isn't exactly a bad trait," Daisy smiled. "More than often, good things come from someone believing they're right."

"I never said it was a bad thing," Kaira said. "I'm pretty stubborn, too. Probably more so."

"Well, sometimes being stubborn can stop you from seeing the truth," Daisy shrugged. "For me, at least."

"You're very...Right..."

"Thanks," Daisy smiled, not realizing that Kaira wasn't really paying attention.

"Yeah. I'm going to go try to find Saiko now," Kaira told her, distracted. "Bye."

"See you around."


"We really need to stop meeting like this," Ryan narrowed his eyes at the brown-haired female. Akane sighed.

"Look, I don't want anything to do with you, alright? So just leave me alone."

"You're not exactly easy to ignore."

"Can you please... just leave me alone," Akane shook her head. "I need to find Daisy."


"Because. I want to be with people I care about." She made sure to emphasize the last part. "Now leave, before I make you."

"As if you could make me budge," Ryan scoffed. "My arm's back and better than ever."


The two faced off, Ryan drawing his weapon first. He shot an arrow and the pigtailed girl, trying to land a cheap shot, but she dodged it quickly.

"I said leave me alone. Last warning."

"As if I need your warning."

He shot another arrow, when she suddenly disappeared. He looked around, confused when he was suddenly struck in the back of the head. He fell forward, growling as he shifted as she emerged.

"Haven't you ever heard to look behind you?"

"Ooooookay, that's enough!" Alexis came between the two, pushing them away from each other. "We don't need anymore unnecessary bloodshed, y'know!"

They both ignored her, Akane's sword cutting through Alex while Ryan scratched the female. She shattered, crumpling into glass. The real Alexis stood behind them, shaking her head.

"Geez. You guys are so violent. Cut it out! This isn't a real prison, y'know. Don't shank each other!"

"Shank?" Akane questioned.

"It's- Ugh, never mind," Alexis sighed. "Just don't kill each other, k? That'd be great."

"Sorry, but no can do," Akane laughed. "He tried to murder me. This is self defense."

"It's not self defense if you strike first."

"He tried to kill me first."

"Well, we're not kindergartners!" Alexis sighed. When Akane growled and her sword cut through Alexis, she again shattered.

"Cut that out!" Alexis sighed. "Look, I'm just saying you'll end up dead if you kill someone else. Think about that purple haired girl that killed the warden."

"Eh. At least I'll rid the world of her," Ryan shrugged. "I'm okay with dying for it."

"Woah woah woah! Dying is not allowed... not when I've got a party tonight!" Bunny barged into the conversation, her wavy hair bouncing. Yellow bunny ears were on her head, making Akane stare in confusion. "You're all invited!"

"Stay in your own business!" Ryan growled, punching her squarely in the face

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"Stay in your own business!" Ryan growled, punching her squarely in the face. Bunny yelped, collapsing to the ground. "Ugh, at least I shut the bunny bit-"

"Oh... you've really done it now," Alexis was angry. "You really think you can hurt one of my friends and get away with it!?"

"Bring it," Ryan scowled.

The three were facing off, all equally annoyed. Ryan couldn't wait to take both of them down.

Ryan charged towards Alexis when suddenly Akane slammed into him, smashing them both into the wall. They groaned in pain as Bunny stood up, wobbly.

"You really hurt me, y'know!" Bunny pouted. "So that's what you get!"

"Nice, Bunny!" Alexis high-fived the girl. "What's... what's up with the ears, though?"

"They're not real!" Bunny laughed. "Like them?"

"Yeah!" Alex smiled. "Anyway, with this, we might as well become wardens at this rate. Where are the actual wardens, geez!"

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

I've got the epilogue to the book finished... I have a problem.

I'm also (slowly) adding drawings for all the OC's except for poor lil Ryan cause I can't draw guys. XD It's okay Ryan, you're my fav OC to write.

Thanks for reading!

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