Chapter 8

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Everyone was gathered together, and by 'everyone' it was Daisy, Kaira, Saiko, Rosalina, and Toadette. Daisy had called for a meeting, which confused everyone, but they went with it.

"Hey guys, I've got a very important thing to say," Daisy started. "Just... wait till the end before you all interrupt me, okay?"

"Sure!" Saiko chirped. "Go ahead, Daisy!"

"Alright... I'm sure you all agree with me. We all want to get out of here, correct?"

Everyone glanced at each other, nodding hesitantly.

"Okay. We need to find those Grand Stars," Daisy said. "All seven-"


"-six of them," Daisy continued. "I know Kaira and Saiko have already tried. But that was just the two of us. With all five of us, we can surely do it!"

"...Daisy, I know you want to leave," Kaira said. "But it's not going to happen."

"What? Why not!?"

"...I believe I already told you, that destroying the stars would break me? Daisy, I can barely hold myself off as it is," Kaira told her. "Once those Grand Stars are destroyed-"

"It's something you can control though, right?" Toadette asked quietly. Kaira nodded. "Then you should be able to hold back."

"It's not something I can hold back!" Kaira exclaimed, frustrated. "This, is holding me back. Me being Kaira holds me back. Even now, I'm screaming to release myself from the prison that is myself. You have no idea what this feels like. None. Trying to escape is just going to get you all killed."

"Yeah.. Saiko has to agree with Satsuki," Saiko said. "Saiko really wants to see what's out there, but Saiko knows that Satsuki won't be able to control herself."

"It's really risky..." Rosalina muttered. "If we get caught we'll be killed... or maybe something worse..."

"What's the point of escaping?" Toadette mumbled. "Dixie nor Toad is here to make it..."

"Hey, Hey," Daisy looked around, seeing everyone protesting. "Listen. Just hear me out, okay? We can all see the outside world. That place we've all dreamed about being in again. We can all live together or something, since we'll probably get hunted down... but we can do it, our there. We can make it out there."

"Wow, spending more time being hunted, without being able to kill?" Saiko huffed. "Saiko doesn't think that sounds fun.."


"What did you get on the species test?" Peach asked. "I didn't do as well as I hoped..."

"I got a C plus," Daisy shrugged. "It's better than I expected. Honestly, I guessed on half the questions, so..."

"Aw, that's alright Daisy. I didn't do much better. I got a B."

"Eh. Not like I care much about my grades, anyway."

Daisy and Peach watched as Luigi, their final part of the trio approached them.

"Hey, guess what!" Luigi grinned. "I actually didn't fail species!"

"Haha. As if you could ever fail," Peach sweatdropped. "An A minus is failing for you..."

"Well, you're not wrong," Luigi shrugged. "I just like to learn, for the most part."

"Hah. I just can't wait to get out of here," Daisy sighed. "School sucks. It's actually a prison."

"Yeah... but as long as we're together, it can't be that bad."

"Yeah... you're right!"

"Listen," Daisy told them, remembering her life before that. "I know... you all are scared of what may happen. We don't know. But we won't know if we don't try. Toadette, don't you want to continue dancing?"

"Arabesque, chasse, calypso. One two three, one two three, waltz, waltz, waltz!"

"Saiko, Kaira, don't you want to see what's out there?"

"What does that mean...? I've always wondered what's out there."

"Rosalina, you can go out and get revenge... or start a new family of your own."

"I know it's scary here, Kaira, but things will get better..."

"Think of what's out there. Of what we're missing."

"Saiko... Saiko wants to see it..." Saiko whispered first. "Saiko wants to know what's out there..."


"Doesn't Kaira want to see what's out there?" Saiko countered. "Saiko and Kaira can see what's there... we can finally do things without problem."

" does sound like a good idea," Toadette agreed. "It could use some cleaning up, but yeah... I agree."

"...we have to take out Mario and Pauline... otherwise I'm not helping.." Rosalina added. "They're going to die... by my hand...!"

"Alright, sound good to everyone?"


Everyone turned to look at the redhead, who seemed to be protesting for no reason.

"Did I not tell you already!? I'm going to murder everyone! Everyone is going to die. No exception besides myself. This isn't something I can control, how hard is it to understand!?"

"We won't know until we try-"

"No," Kaira shook her head. "You won't know until we try. I'm not going to participate in killing the world."

Kaira opened the door and walked out quickly, slamming it behind her.

"That went well, what do you think?"

Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Question of the chapter: what do you think on escaping the prison?

OC submission doesn't end until chapter 10, so you can keep sending until I post chapter 10. It's a random number, tbh.

Anyway, the important thing.

Putting your OC in means that I have FULL control over them.

Is that cool with everyone? I know some people might be annoyed or upset with what happens to their OC, but by submitting your character, that's just what happens. I mean, poor Ryan lol. If it isn't, let me know and I'll take your OC out.

I just wanted to point that out so there's no misconceptions here.

...I already made the cover for the next book, some artwork, and wrote the second to last chapter...


Thanks for reading!

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