Chapter 6

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"This is the head of the person that killed Dixie...?"

The prison had a mandatory meeting for all its inmates, showcasing Lavinia's head on a stake. Toadette's fists clenched at the sight of the girl.

"This is what happens when you defy us," Pauline's voice echoed. "You're welcome to try. Kill the wardens, harm the wardens, and you will die. Not to mention some of them will make it extremely painful for you."

The three wardens were standing in front of the stake, and Pauline smirked.

"They'll have no problem killing you. Absolutely none. So you can think about it... you can try. But the only place you'll end up, the only thing you'll accomplish..."

Kaira, Saiko, and Toadette drew their weapons, a menacing look on their faces. Kaira's blades glinted, Saiko's scythe gleaming, Toadette's fans still slightly bloody.

"Is making an example of yourself, like Lavinia here. Mess with them," Pauline smirked. "And die."


"Next up, the Galaxy Goddess Rosalina is here to battle! And, like Kaira and Saiko... Rosalina has gotten a new weapon! Well, somewhat..."

Rosalina held her magic wand in her hand, waving it gently. She closed her eyes, ready to fight. Meanwhile, a yellow, star shaped creature appeared next to her.

"Her new weapon- Polari! Well, not so much a weapon but a companion

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"Her new weapon- Polari! Well, not so much a weapon but a companion... I don't even know what it does. I guess we're about to find out!"

Two giant piranha plants appeared, and Rosalina simply waved her wand. In an instant, her yellow little companion was on the first one, moving at lightning speed and cutting it. Rosalina threw her crown, slicing the stem and watching as the plant crashed to the ground.

"What the- already-?" Daisy's jaw dropped. "It looks so cute though.."

It growled as it continued to try to bite Rosalina, and she kicked it with her heel. Her wand temporarily transformed into a blade at the end, and she stabbed it, watching as it died, her wand reverting back to its normal state.

 Her wand temporarily transformed into a blade at the end, and she stabbed it, watching as it died, her wand reverting back to its normal state

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"She continues on as normal, but it's interesting that she doesn't make her targets suffer anymore. How strange," the announcer sighed. "Less interesting, too. Oh well."

Her wand was always like that?

Guess that made sense, a crown wasn't really the most ideal weapon, but... still. It was cool, and Daisy had admired that.

Rosalina turned around to face the other one, when suddenly colorful, meteors(?) shot out of the Luma's arms, hitting the plant and causing it to crash down to the ground. Rosalina's eyes gleamed as she activated her power- and a cosmic beam shot out, a hole through the plant made. It disintegrated into dust...

"And there you have it, folks! Rosalina Star did it once again! You can buy all new merchandise at the front door!"

They've got merchandise of us? Daisy thought. They really think this is all just some sort of amusement park... I wonder how much they have of Kaira and Saiko.


"Kaira, Kaira, Kaira," Saiko squealed. "Check this out! Pauline and Birdo showed Saiko some of the... the products they have of us! It's so cool!"

"Oh. I'm almost scared to see," Kaira sighed. "What'd they make of us?"

"There's some cool figurines of us," Saiko pointed out to Kaira in a fighting stance, while Saiko was holding her scythe. "There's even fake weapons!"

"Really? What else?"

"Well, Saiko was only allowed to keep the figurines, but there were posters of us.. books... they must really want money," Saiko shrugged. "Saiko doesn't mind."

"I don't really care either.." Kaira looked at the two figurines. "I'm just amazed people care about us enough for this. To them, we're just actors..."

"Yeah, they don't know what's really going on," Saiko giggled. "Oh well! It's better that way. If they knew, how would Kaira and Saiko get to go off on a murdering spree?"

So she's feeling back to normal, Kaira mused. How funny, though. She was just talking about wanting to leave... and now that the thought of killing being taken away was put into it, she doesn't want to leave. I totally agree, though, so I'm not one to talk...

"Yeah," Kaira nodded. "...I was thinking. Daisy could really use a new weapon. I've got a lot of money to spare... wanna come shop with me?"


Hey everyone! Chapter's a little under what I normally write, so sorry...

Anyway, I was just thinking. For anyone who's watched Akame ga Kill and Rwby... who would win?

Leone vs Yang?

Blake vs Akame?

Ruby vs Tatsumi?

Weiss vs Mine?

Personally, I think Leone, Akame, Ruby/Tatsumi, And Weiss. Leone because she'd just regenerate the shit out of her body no matter how much Yang does, and is faster than Yang and Yang only struggles with faster opponents. Akame because of her OP blade, I don't think Blake could keep up with her speed. I like Blake more though... ruby or Tatsumi because I don't really care about either of them and I don't really know, and Weiss because semblance and Mine is kinda a one trick, I can't really see her being able to land a hit on Weiss. If she did, I think Mine would win, but she'd have to be able to do that in the first place...

Anyway, that's just me ranting. I'm going to go back into Insanity and add some more content, so there's that.

Question of the chapter: who's your least favorite character?

Thanks for reading!

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