Chapter 45

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"Oh my god. This is the end."

The group consisting of short but serious Toadette, cheerful Saiko, timid Luigi, quiet Rosalina, and persistent Daisy were all locked in their holding cell together. Cuffed to a chair with their hands behind their back, there was no escape.

"Yeah, probably," Toadette looked down, not pretending that everything was going to be okay. In a couple of hours, their execution would occur. Not even Saiko or Luigi had been exempt from the rule despite Satsuki's insistent pleading. Although Satsuki had fought against the group's torture and execution, her voice was evidently shut out as Mario was dead set on making an example out of them. "Bright side, this all ends. No more hell in here."

"Saiko... Saiko doesn't want to die like this," Saiko looked down, her electric blue eyes void of energy. She'd been holding out on Satsuki pulling a prank on her, which was evidently what hadn't occurred. "Not like this..."

"They're going to torture us to death," Daisy wailed, fear overcoming her. "Oh my gosh... no. No, I can't think like this... I have to stay positive."

"What's positive about this?" Toadette snapped. "There's nothing! We're going to be tortured, killed, and made an example out of."

"Their own wardens turned against them," Saiko laughed bitterly. "Stupid."

"You know what's positive about this...?" Rosalina narrowed her eyes. "We don't have to see Mario's stupid face..."

"Saiko also won't have to see Rosalina's either, which is a bigger plus," Saiko scowled. "Saiko bets Rosalina's in on all of this, too."

"Saiko, the one you love literally just turned all of us in," Luigi finally spoke up, surprising the others with his harsh tone. "Stop bashing on Rosalina when Satsuki's done what you're so worried about!"

"Saiko knows you did not just say that," Saiko growled, despite her anger and depression towards everything that had happened with Satsuki, she would not tolerate anyone even slightly saying something terrible about her ex-beloved. "It's all Saiko's fault! Satsuki's to to blame! It's Saiko's fault!"

"I appreciate it, I really do."

The group stared and Daisy's eyes widened as the redhead of the discussion stepped into her room. Her pupil-less eyes were saddened.

"...I did my best to persuade them not to kill or torture you all," Satsuki sighed, her hands releasing her sheathed katanas as she relaxed slightly. "I assumed I had more power than I thought. They will not listen to me when it comes to saving all of you."

"...why do you want to save us?" Daisy asked curiously, unable to keep her mouth shut. "If was only Kaira who ever got to know us. Er, at least Toadette, Luigi and I."

"Daisy, your soul is too pure to go to waste..." Satsuki's eyes gleamed momentarily. "Anyone else claiming it would be a shame. But Kaira was awful at showing friendship. I had hoped that when this was all over, I might become friends with all of you."

"You thought this wasn't going to end like this?" Luigi scoffed. "We're going to die!"

"I don't want you all to die!" Satsuki's hands slammed against the wall in frustration. "Dammit. But there's nothing I can do. I have conflicting feelings here. On one hand, I can help you all escape...but this means my home is destroyed. On the other, I leave it like this and I can continue to rampage... but I wouldn't want to do it alone."

"So let us go."

"I can't..."

"You can," Daisy replied softly. "Look, are you really going to let us die? We're your friends..."


"You don't have to help us break out of prison," Daisy continued. "Just... don't let us die. Are you going to watch us here...?"

"...I don't have a choice."

Satsuki leaned down, whispering something into Saiko's ear, and the blue haired girl slumped further. Daisy watched hopelessly as the redhead left without another word.

"Well, shit."


With only thirty minutes left until their execution, despair was growing stronger. Despite all of them attempting to remain strong, they all couldn't pretend further. They wanted to be free, but if not even Satsuki could help them, nothing was coming their way.

"I just want all of you to know I'm glad we did this," Daisy said quietly. "It didn't end well, but we almost made it."

"'s Saiko's fault this didn't work..." Saiko replied, looking down. "All Saiko's fault."

"No, it's all of ours," Toadette shook her head. "Don't worry about it. We will die bravely."

"The whole prison will probably be in a uproar..." Rosalina commented. "This could be the end... of the Comet Observatory..."

"Could we accomplished our mission either way-"

A large explosion cut her off and they were all thrown across the room. Still tied to their chairs, there wasn't much they all could do as Daisy struggled.

From what they could see, there was a pair of large bunny ears, a small girl, a pigtailed female, and a girl with a whip. Behind them, was the redhead with double katanas. With a slash, blood spilled out of her arm and slashed through their magical cuffs.

"What the hell are you all doing?" Satsuki scowled. "Let's go!"

Hey everyone! Not gonna lie, I had a totally different idea of a plot at the beginning of this book...

How do you think the prison will respond to this?

Thanks for reading!

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