Chapter 27

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"Anyone have...any leads on the fourth Grand Star?"

The group was huddled into Kaira and Saiko's room, attempting to find more information. The desperation to leave was growing ever strong,

"Nope," Toadette responder casually. "None."

With four more to go, they were getting impatient. Kaira and Saiko had destroyed the first one, they'd broken the second, and Kaira had gotten the third. It seemed so repetitive, and it would all be useless if they were caught before they destroyed the last one. Still, they persevered.

"Well that's just great news," Daisy huffed, frustrated. She wanted to leave so badly, and the fact that she was being denied access bothered her. Not to mention the fact that she'd been sent to this place to begin with. It had all started out in good fun, and she'd felt like she belonged at the beginning, but the death of Dixie opened her eyes. This place was horror just waiting to happen was finally made clear to her. The reappearance of her dear friend Peach, and how much she missed her blonde friend. She just wanted to go home. "We're one step further from making it home."

"What makes you so sure that what's out there is better than here?" Kaira questioned, her red hair falling onto her face and covering her deadly red eyes. Unlike Daisy and Toadette, Kaira and Saiko hadn't been outside of the prison. Kaira had been outside for three years, which she couldn't remember, and Saiko had been born in a tube. Of course those two had their suspicions about the outside world, but Daisy didn't realize that. Or understand that.

So when Daisy went into a meltdown, the others shouldn't have been surprised.

"What do you mean!? I've been outside before," Daisy seethed, vines appearing from her fingers with her rage. "I know that what's out there is way better than in here. For one, if we weren't in this place, Dixie would still be alive!"

"And how sure of that are you?" Kaira countered, and while her dark eyes weren't visible, Daisy was sure they were narrowed in anger. "There are many more criminals on the outside than there are here. If we let Dixie and her shapeshifting go out into the open, Dixie probably would've been kidnapped! You know her glamour is powerful."

"Maybe her power wouldn't have ever been activated," Daisy frowned, filled with just as much anger as Kaira, but not as lethal with it. She failed to recognize the possible consequences of angering Kaira. "Maybe she never would've gotten it injured!"

"But what would she have done if it did!? Or if any of us did! Not everyone with one of our birthmarks is a good person, don't you think the world would be in chaos right now?"

"Oh, I know everyone with our birthmarks isn't a good person, because I've met you!" Daisy replied, clenching her fists as she felt anger overtake her, and vines curled around her fingers. She failed to realize Kaira's rage as the redhead stalked over to Daisy, not even bothering with her katanas or her magic and just wrapped her hands around Daisy's throat, squeezing powerfully as Daisy choked, her vines and hands attempting to pry Kaira's hands away.

"Satsuki, Satsuki stop!" Saiko shrieked, running to the two with Rosalina, while Toadette watched. When she saw that the blue haired female was struggling to pull Kaira off, she sighed and joined in, along with Luigi. They managed to pull the girl off, who seethed with rage as Daisy dropped to the ground, gasping for breath like a fish out of water.

"I don't want anything to do with this plan," Kaira growled, her chest rising up and down heavily and laced with fury. "And you can bet that Mario will hear about it soon enough."

"Don't you dare tell Mario!" Luigi spoke up for the first time after watching everything happen. "He's had everything. I have the chance to take him down right now. Don't take that away."

"Satsuki, please," Saiko cried out, her blue eyes pleading and attempting to soothe her beloved. "Saiko-Saiko wants to go see the outside world. Saiko won't do it without you... please, stick with this. Or else we destroyed Grand Stars for no reason. Or else we got separated awhile ago for no reason..."

Kaira sighed deeply, and while fury oozed off of the girl, Saiko could see her pondering it. It was strange that the redhead was so furious, she was normally more cold and deadly rather than straight up going to violence, especially against one of her friends. But Saiko remembered that Kaira was dealing with pain from Satsuki, from feeling like death from the Grand Star's breaking, and the fear of Satsuki taking over.

"Fine. Whatever. I need time alone."

As the girl stalked off, Toadette began slowly clapping.

"Congrats, Daisy. You pissed off the rage queen."

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this book in like forever. If you're still reading it, thank you.

So, question for all you guys. Do you guys want the journey of the next three Grand Stars or for me to skip over it?

Thanks for reading!

Instability (Mario)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora