Chapter 25

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A/N: I gave up on waiting to get to a certain point in Sanity. If you've read Sanity, I'm sure you know what's about to happen. If you don't want to get spoiled, I'll put a black header so just look for that and skip to that.


The two girls were sitting next to each other as Tsuki and the green haired boy were about to battle for their first time. It had been awkward silence for the first minutes, so Saiko decided to break it.


Saiko was surprised from the hostility behind Satsuki's speech.

"Um, I was gonna say that-"

"So now you want to talk to me?" Satsuki snapped. "I'm sorry, I thought that you were busy ignoring me."


"Well, what if I don't want to talk to you right now? Sorry."

The stubborn redhead turned her head away, leaving Saiko stunned.

"...atsuki... satsuki...Tsuki.."

Kaira's eyes shot open and she sat straight up, panting for breath. Saiko stared at the girl, relieved.


But Saiko wasn't the one the redhead was looking for. Not right now.


"Tsuki?" Kaira asked innocently, her eyes reverting to the loss of pupils. "How..? How are you here...?"

"What?" Saiko was extremely confused as the redhead stood up, looking around. "What?"

"How are you here," Kaira whispered, her voice turning innocent like. "I-"

"Satsuki, Saiko isn't-"

"I missed you so much, Tsuki," Kaira whimpered. "I-I..."

Saiko looked at the redhead, surprised.


"I saw you die, how are you here... I miss you so much," Satsuki clasped Saiko's hands in hers. "How are you here..?"

Now Saiko understood.

The girl was hallucinating in a way. Instead of seeing Saiko, she was seeing Tsuki...

"Oh, Satsuki.."

Saiko let the girl hug her as Satsuki imagined her close, motherly friend was still with them.

"Don't leave me, Tsuki..."



"Okay!" Daisy smiled, which was a rare sight as of late. The orange haired girl had become obsessed with making it out- just so she could see Peach. "I'm actually stuffed. That was... really good."

"It was," Rosalina nodded, nervously playing with her blonde hair. "I didn't know... you were a good cook, Toadette."

"I didn't either," Toadette admitted sharply, rubbing her hands together. "Dixie was a fabulous cook, I figured I should try. Judging by your reactions, I didn't completely fail."

"It was great," Luigi gave a nervous thumbs up. He still didn't really know Toadette that well, but he could at least pretend. "It really was good."

"...Daisy.. did I ever tell you that Luigi and I have met before..?" Rosalina asked, to which the orange haired female shook her head no. "Why would I have... it's not that important.."

"Ahah," Luigi scratched the back of his neck. "You see..."

"It's not that bad..." Rosalina murmured. "He was just Mario's brother. Except, I knew him more as... the guy who slipped and fell as soon as he saw me."

"Okay, well," Luigi chuckled nervously. "The floor was really slippery, I had just mopped-"

"No it wasn't," Rosalina laughed softly, and Daisy was sure that was the first time she'd ever heard the girl laugh. "Don't blame this on the floor."

"Whoa, do you hear that Rosalina?" Daisy grinned, happy with her realization.

"No...? What am I missing?" Rosalina asked, confused.

"Your stutter... your pauses between words, it's getting better," Daisy explained, and Rosalina touched her mouth in instinct. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Wow," Rosalina smiled, tracing her lips without realizing. "I-I didn't even realize... I've just been so used to all this... that now... oh, I'm doing it again."

"Well, that's cause you were thinking about it," Daisy reminded her. "I'm so proud, Rosie."


"Heya!" The blonde female by the name of Bunny popped up again, dancing to music you couldn't hear, making Rosalina sigh. "Sooooooo, this isn't about a party for once, so you should be proud of me!"

"Congrats," Daisy played along, confused as to what Bunny was getting at. "So.. what's going on?"

"Well, the mean warden woke up, finally!" Bunny announced. "Geez, after three days... she yelled at me on my way here!"

"Unsurprising," Toadette muttered. "Was Saiko with her?"

"Where else would she be?" Bunny cackled. "Okay, bye bye! Gotta dash!"

Bunny quickly left the cafeteria, making everyone confused.

"Um, should we be worried-"

A loud boom was heard, and dust flew around everyone, so no one could see anything. When it finally cleared up, there was a huge hole in the wall, and almost instantly, Pauline's voice shrieked on the intercom.

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing! You can't blow up the walls to our prison! Who did this, which one of you idiots?"

"Honestly, Pauline, you should be used to it by now," Kaira's loud voice growled, stepping through the hole, her weapons sheathed. "I've got a headache, so shut up and don't try to stop me."

Saiko stepped out behind her, not holding her scythe. They were confused as to who blew a hole in the wall, when they remembered Bunny's quick escape.

"I think I figured it out," Toadette said dryly.

"No shit."

Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long. I was trying to finish Sanity before this chapter because of the spoiler, but...I gave up.

Plot question: what do you guys think will happen next?

Thanks for reading!

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