Chapter 38

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Kaira awoke to them discussing a new plan.

"...too many days...we've gotta do it now."

Kaira wondered why the hell they always had to have meetings in her room. She was just trying to sleep, and there they were, talking as if she wasn't even there. Then again, she was sure Saiko just wanted to keep an eye on her. Keeping her eyes closed, she pretended to be asleep and listened to what they were saying.

"How are we going to make it past the security system?" That was Toadette's voice, as sharp as ever. It seemed the girl still had no patience, and a week and a half hadn't changed that. "It's in the corridors. They did a room check. We're lucky that Rosalina has those portals, or it would've been over."

"Well, aren't we happy," Saiko's bitter voice resounded throughout the room. "So, what's Daisy's master plan?"

"We've got to get rid of the security system, right?" Daisy asked, and Kaira was glad she couldn't see the frustrated look she knew was plastered on Saiko's usually cheerful face. "So..."

Well, she might as well stop their plan from getting horrible while she still could. With a groan, she sat up, Saiko rushing to her side immediately. A dull pain sat in the back of her head, annoying her greatly.

"Is Kaira okay?" Saiko asked, concerned. Her pale hands ran through her tangled bloody red hair.

"I'm fine," She grunted, ignoring the irritating headache. "I've got a plan. I heard you all talking."

"Kaira just woke up," Saiko argued. "No-"

"Saiko, I'm fine. I can take out the security system. They'll think it's Satsuki," The redhead told them. "We're close. We can't afford to stop now-"

"Kaira's well being can't be forgotten about!" Saiko crossed her arms, not on board with the thought of Kaira's health not at its finest. "Kaira barely even gets to live anymore!"

"It's not about me," Kaira disagreed, her red hair falling over her eyes. "It's about making sure all of you get the hell out! Saiko, go see the world!"

"Saiko doesn't want to travel anywhere without Kaira," Saiko looked away, anywhere away from the redhead who she knew was staring at her intensely. "Saiko wants to cherish the moments she has left with Kaira."

"...why do you even care" The redhead asked. "Why wouldn't you care about Satsuki? She's trapped inside my body. I thought you'd be happy she's coming out. Isn't that what you were mourning about? Or were those just empty words? Of course you'd want someone who's just a shell..."

"Regardless of whether Kaira is Satsuki and what not, Saiko knows that the feelings Satsuki has for Saiko sticks with Kaira," Saiko replied firmly. "Saiko's words weren't empty. Saiko's just gotten used to...Kaira."

"Hate to break the tender moment," Toadette interrupted. "Kaira, are you feeling up to doing such a thing? If not, I can take over. The worst they'll do to me is take away my warden position."

"I can do it."

"Okay," Toadette placed her hand on Kaira's shoulder. "Thank you. The minute you break it, we have to rush in. We need to find a Grand Star entrance before we do anything."

"Thanks...Kaira," Luigi looked away. He hadn't said anything, and he didn't think anyone noticed.

"...there should in the arena," Rosalina told them, her platinum blonde hair flowing around her face. "No better time to check..than one of our own arena battles..."

"I think I'm next out of all of us," Daisy replied, walking over to Kaira and Saiko's calendar. Her eyes scanned the page until she found the 30th, marked Daisy and Rosalina. "Yeah."

"Well, it's settled," Toadette hoped everyone would agree with the plan she'd made. Out of all of them, Toadette definitely had done the most planning and was turning out to be more tactful than Daisy had expected. "When Daisy and Rosalina have their arena battle, they'll get to survey the arena closely. We'll also be there to check the spectator area. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

Everyone left except for Kaira and Saiko, causing the blue haired female to frown.

"Kaira shouldn't have done that."

"Kaira doesn't have time left, anyway," The redhead muttered. "You all are going to break out of this hell. You'll be fine."

"Maybe it's better if Kaira and Saiko don't do
this," Saiko hesitated, having second thoughts. "Saiko doesn't know anymore. Saiko's happy here...she could just be happier. But Saiko doesn't want to lose Kaira."

"Well, it's got to happen," Kaira shrugged. "It's okay. Saiko, go explore...with or without me."

Hey everyone! Hope you're enjoying.

Nearing the end of this book...

Question of the chapter: what do you think will happen with this Grand Star?

Thanks for reading!

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