Chapter 44

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"Did you hear about what happened?" Bunny's playful attitude was slightly diminished as she sat down next to Alexis and Aquelia. Alexis had taken to taking care of Aquelia in Rosalina's absense. Akane was not far from them, listening in.

"About Daisy and them?" Alexis spoke in a hushed tone, as they were all too terrified to speak loudly in case the wardens were listening in. After all, they were discussing a prison escape. "Yeah. Kaira's betrayed them. How can you do that to someone you love?"

"I don't know anything about love, so I can't answer."

"I hate to interrupt you two," Akane said from her spot at the table as she picked up her cup of water. "But I think revenge is the easiest way to forget all common sense."

"Revenge? Revenge for what?" Bunny questioned, her purple eyes widening in interest.

"I have no idea," Akane sighed, running her fingers through her brown hair. She quickly tied them into her pigtails after realizing what she had done. "But it was enough to piss everyone off."

"I-is Rosalina-San going to be okay?" Aquelia asked quietly, and Alexis ruffled her blue hair to reassure the girl.

"I don't know," Alexis answered truthfully. "I don't know."


"N-no, stay away! Do I have to repeat myself!? Stay away!"

Daisy was screaming loudly in hysteria as multiple dirty rats came closer to her. Each one had matted, greasy red fur, but the most unsettling part about them was their flashing crimson eyes. The orange haired girl had never been afraid of rats, but as she watched them creep closer to her, she could feel fear igniting in her.

"Please, please don't let them get me!"

"Daisy, this is just an experiment. Calm down," Mario's voice echoed through a speaker, and Daisy shrieked again as they scurried further. "It's also what you deserve, anyway."

"An experiment?" Daisy's voice squeaked at the end. "What?"

"Of course. It's to test your will. Are you willing to confess to everything you've done? Or shall I let the rats come closer?"

"I-" Daisy yelped as one swiped at her tied down figure, and she struggled in her chair as a rat began to gnaw on her dress. "P-please, get me out of here."

"I can. If you confess."

Daisy swallowed. If she confessed, they would definitely be killed even though it was obvious what they'd done. Mario just wanted to feel powerful. She wouldn't give that to him. She would fight for what was right.


"Alright. That's on you," Mario smirked as he left the room, leaving Daisy with the rats.


Saiko panted heavily as Pauline watched her suffer sadistically. With her hands cuffed behind her back and her drive lost, Saiko was helpless to do anything. Cuts scattered her body as Pauline took her sword and dragged it across the blue haired female.

"That's enough," Satsuki Kaira Reiko snapped as she entered the room, making the brunette glare. The two stared at each other, challenging the other to do something. "I said that's enough."

"And I said you're not the one in charge around here," Pauline narrowed her cold grey eyes, stepping away from Saiko and holding her sword. "So move along, Satsuki."

"Touch her again and I'll kill you," The redhead replied, the emotional side of her showing with the switch of her personality. Kaira was cold and manipulative while Satsuki was a furious hothead. "We both know who's stronger, Pauline. You may be a warden, but that doesn't mean anything."


"Fine," Pauline spit, not liking her options. But Satsuki was indeed stronger and Mario didn't like it when she was opposing her. "What do you want to do with her, then? She betrayed us. Your request better not be asking if she can be excused from it."

"It's not me asking," Satsuki responded, a smirk appearing on her face as she knew the situation was in her control. "I'm just assuming that she is."

"I will deem you a traitor if I have to-"

"Pauline, I'm just saying no more torture. Actually, no more torture for any of them," Satsuki tilted her head slightly. "I think that's rather fair. I'll go get Angel to heal their wounds."

"No more torture? Who do you think you are?" Pauline screeched. "For Saiko perhaps, but I've been waiting to harm Daisy since she came here! Someone so insignificant who has started a will let me torture her!"

"She will not," Mario said loudly as he entered the room as well, Saiko watching in caution from her seat in the chair. "We will not torture any of them further. We would not be achieving anything."

"They tried to break out!" Pauline shook her head in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Mario nodded. "Which is why an example will be made out of them. Their execution will be tonight."

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed.

Question of the chapter: what do you think will happen next?

Thanks for reading!

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