Chapter 26

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"Are you okay, Kaira?" Daisy asked nervously, as she'd just complained about a major headache and obviously seemed rather grumpy. It was never a good idea to get in trouble with the girl who was practically running the prison. "You've been gone for awhile."

"I'm fine," Kaira grunted, resting her head on the table. She closed her red eyes, annoyed-not with Daisy or any of the others, but with the fact that she had a pounding headache just from shattering the Grand Star. "Even if I wasn't, I'll be fine."

"Well, I didn't doubt that," Toadette said stiffly, knowing that Kaira wasn't one to exploit her own weaknesses so easily. "Someone does need to discipline that Bunny girl. Blowing holes into walls is-"

"You should loosen up," Daisy shrugged, not really minding the explosion that had just happened. "It wasn't that bad."

"It could've killed someone innocent."

"Don't you all do that enough?" Daisy retorted. For a moment, the two glared at each other, annoyed with their difference in opinions. Sensing the tension, Saiko quickly began humming a tune to keep herself from saying anything she'd regret.

"Hey, why don't we all just stop arguing?" Saiko finally interrupted the moment. Daisy rolled her eyes, but nodded. The orange haired girl knew she was probably coming off as insensitive as at the very least, Kaira and Toadette were murderers and knowing Saiko, she probably had murdered as well, but she was so sick of all this needless death. Toadette had killed because Dixie had killed, and eventually, Daisy figured that Toadette would die because of Lavinia's death. It was an endless, merciless cycle of pain and it could all end...

Speaking of Lavinia, Daisy had almost forgotten about the deceased purple haired girl. She scowled at the thought. Lavinia had seem obsessed with power, and now she wondered that if she'd beaten Kaira, if she wouldn't have gone after Dixie. Selfishly, Daisy wished that Kaira had lost the duel. Then, at the very least, Dixie would be alive...

No, she couldn't blame it on Kaira. There was no one to blame besides Lavinia, who'd coldheartedly slain Dixie. For a moment, she realized how hypocritical she sounded. She was friends with murderers who had no problem with taking a life. But she quickly justified it, because how could it be wrong that she was friends with murderers? They had their reasons.

She was sure Lavinia had some sort of reason.


"What is it that you want?"

Kaira snarled with anger as she was held down, unable to stand or even shake her alter ego out of her head. It seemed Satsuki enjoyed taunting with the girl, and her apparition in Kaira's head tauntingly tilted the girl's head up.

"I already told you," Satsuki said seriously, her smirk gone. "I-"

"I don't care what you want, actually. Give me control of my body and-"

Kaira choked as the figment of Satsuki's image wrapped her hands around her neck, a look of extreme rage on the murderous girl's face.

"Your body!?" Satsuki screamed, and despite Kaira's best efforts, she couldn't even lift her arms to help herself. "You are in my body! You shouldn't even exist! You're not a person, you're just me!"

Unable to speak any words from the pressure on her neck, Kaira was forced the glare at her alter ego on top of her.

"You know, most people don't even know that I'm not just a murdering psycho because of you," Satsuki mused, relieving the pressure from Kaira's neck. "I would've been like you are now, except probably better since you're such a bore. Honestly. I care for Saiko, I care for Toadette and the others. But no. I could've kept myself under control! Saiko and Rosalina and no right to interfere."

"Would you have been able to keep yourself under control?" Kaira couldn't help herself from rolling her eyes. "Look at what you're doing right now."

"With good reason!" The apparition of Satsuki began fading in and out, and feeling began creeping into her limbs again. "Just remember something. Destroying the rest of the Grand Stars is going to lead to something you and I would never want to see. We have that in common."

Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a great day. I finally got a homecoming dress, and tbh I'm kinda dreading HC because I hate dressing up, but oh whale

Question of the chapter: How do you feel about Satsuki?

Thanks for reading!

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