Final Chapter

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Chapter 50

"Please... stop..!"

Rosalina's eyes flashed in anger, but her face quickly morphed into an expression of pain as Pauline's knife dug further into her wrist. Pauline grinned sadistically, and pulled out one last large knife, aiming it above Rosalina's chest.

"Princess, it's time to die."

As Pauline's smile grew wider, Rosalina readied herself for death. It was coming. She could feel it. Her whole revenge plot had meant nothing, in the end. Mario would never love her again, which was all she wanted. She had wanted Mario's love and for her children back. If she could reverse time back to when it had just been her, Mario, and Satsuki, she would have...

Instead, she was about to die at the hands of her replacement.

Suddenly, everything flashed white, and Rosalina thought that she had seen the light. But after hearing Pauline's confused and terrified screech as well as her strength coming back to her, Rosalina knew the others had done it. They had broken the last Grand Star.

Pauline grunted as the light faded, and was flung off of Rosalina. The angered platinum blonde stood, her rage filling the hallway
as she angrily snapped her cuffs. Pauline's eyes widened as she attempted to regain her bearings, but Rosalina wasted no time. With a flick of her wrist, Pauline was down on her knees with her arms pinned to her side as gravity began to work against her.

"Kill me," Pauline grit through her teeth as Rosalina floated to her menacingly. "But Mario loves me, and he will never love you again-"

She never finished her sentence as Rosalina plucked the crown off of her own head and slit Pauline's throat with it. Gasping and spluttering, Pauline clutched at her throat as Rosalina released her hold on gravity. Rosalina watched unsympathetically as the woman dressed in red died in front of her, and turned away. Using the little strength she had, she circled her hands to create a portal, that would finally take her outside.


"It's... broken."

Daisy stared in amazement as the shattered golden pieces of the last Grand Star lay in pieces. Next to them, Mario was angrily cursing under his breath, and Daisy looked beside her to see Toadette with a rare grin on her face, and Luigi's awe at the beautiful yet disrupting shatter of the star.

"It's... over?"

"Well, what the hell are we doing!?" Daisy questioned, her own smile overpowering any other emotion she could have. At last, she could be free. She could see her family, she could see Peach. "Let's get out of here!"

"Okay," Luigi agreed, nodding readily. "I'm ready to leave here..."

"You will regret that you left me alive," Mario spat, holding his wound.

"I already do," Toadette responded, closing her fans with a flick of her wrists, and tucking them into her belt. "But Daisy told me not to, and I'll respect that decision."

"You listen surprisingly well," Mario taunted one last time. "It's a shame that everyone else had to influence you onto the wrong side."

"The moment your beloved Satsuki killed Toad, you had no chance of influencing me," Toadette snarled, before turning away. "Let's go, shall we?"

"Goodbye, brother..." Luigi said slowly, turning away with Daisy. The three began to walk away, in search of an exit, leaving Mario behind. The other prisoners walked around amazed, following the group as they looked for a way out.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, a door outside had been found. It was only after Toadette had searched Satsuki and Saiko's room to look for the blue haired girl that she had seen a large door inside of the room. Opening it had revealed light like no other, and a brisk look at the outside world.

It was sunny, and bright, and beautiful. Daisy didn't remember the last time that she'd seen daylight, but she was free now.

They all were free.

"Everyone!" Daisy heard herself say, and everyone behind her turned to look at the orange clad girl. "We've suffered, but now we are free from the insanity this place has given us. It is over!"

Cheers interrupted behind her, and Daisy smiled as they continued to stare into the distance. Toadette nodded, looking up at the bright sun while Luigi stared blankly outside. While Luigi seemed upset, Daisy knew that everything would be okay from now on.

"Let's go, shall we?"

hey everyone! this is the end (there will be an epilogue). this is such a train wreck of a book that i have no idea how people stayed. the next one is better i swear.

thank you all so much for reading!

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