Chapter 20

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"S-Satsuki? Is that you?"

The redhead stared blankly at Saiko.

"It-it's me, Saiko... don't hate me. The experiment was my idea. I didn't want you to hurt anyone else..."

She said nothing. She heard the girl, but she ignored her. She'd been... changed.. Satsuki was screaming to fulfill that bloodlust.

She was still Satsuki, of course... same personality, same everything... just... not. It was her thoughts that had been twisted slightly. When her pupils appeared, she seemed to forget what she'd been through and the problems she went through. She even recognized that Rosalina and Mario weren't so... respectable as she thought.

Satsuki didn't know that. Or maybe she just refused to believe it. And maybe this toned down version of Satsuki didn't even forget her old problems. Maybe she just took it better.

Either way, Saiko was glad her rampages had stopped... but to be honest, she missed Satsuki. Sure, the redhead in front of her was Satsuki, but right now... she just stared blankly in front of her.



"I miss you.."



Kaira scowled at the memory. She remembered that- she remembered how empty she felt. How... how emotionless. It was... horrid.

Suddenly, something appeared in front of her, and she squinted to see it. She drew her one remaining blade, Tentetsutou.

"Face your fears, Kaira," a voice echoed. "Face your fears.."

The thing in front of her cleared up, and she sighed as she saw a familiar redhead.

"I think it's about time we talk," Satsuki smirked. "What do you say?"


"Saiko- Calm- down!"

The gang was chasing the bluenette, but she was much faster than the others. She was sprinting, while the others were gasping for breath. She was going to find Mario, no matter what. She needed answers.

"Saiko, just think about this!" Daisy called out, panting. "Kaira-"

"She's in trouble!" Saiko yelled back. "Saiko needs to save her, now! Saiko doesn't care what you say!"

It got to a point where they truly couldn't keep up with the bluenette.

"Geez," Luigi gasped. "She ran so fast."

"Well, great," Daisy huffed. "Now what? She's going to-"

"We might... just be overthinking it..." Rosalina said. "Satsuki might... truly be in danger. We need to help.."

"But we shouldn't get Mario," Toadette frowned. "We'll just get into more trouble. He'll be annoyed-"

"No, he won't...he'll be worried," Rosalina interrupted. "You may not think so... but he truly cares for Satsuki. He'll do his best to get her back.."

"If she says so, it's probably true," Luigi pointed out. "Mario will do anything for those he truly loves."

That was awkward. Rosalina looked away.

"Well, that's reassuring to know we kinda have him on our side," Daisy muttered, breaking the silence. "So, what? Should we go try to find Saiko, and help?"

"I think now's a good time to look for more stars, while everyone's distracted," Toadette proposed. "Saiko can find Satsuki. I believe in her. It's our job to do what we set out to."

"Yes..." Rosalina nodded. "Mario and Saiko have got it down.. they won't be watching the cameras.. now's the perfect time."

"But..." Daisy didn't want to leave Kaira alone, but she knew that this was the best opportunity. "Okay.."

"If you say so, Dai," Luigi grimaced. "Okay."

"Alright... lets go look."


"I can't believe I'm here."

A girl with long white hair and a royal blue dress on stared blankly as she looked at the ongoing party- held by the one and only Bunny.

Why was she here again?

"Why wouldn't you wanna be here?" Bunny questioned, winking at her. "It's party time!"

Truth be told, the only reason she was here was because Bunny had invited her. And she knew what happened when someone didn't attend Bunny's party.

They ended up dead.

She didn't want to jinx anything, so she came just in case. She wasn't superstitious by any means- but the girl had a feeling Bunny had something to do with their deaths.

"Never mind," the girl sighed. "I just... ugh."

"Don't be so lonely! Come socialize!"

She watched as Bunny went and retrieved the dark haired girl that went by Alexis.

"Alex is nice! Say hi, be social!"

"Hi," The girl replied flatly. "Nice to meet you."

"Heya! I'm Alexis! Just call me Alex," She winked. "Who are you-"

"I'd prefer to be alone, if you don't mind," The white haired female responded. "I think I'll be leaving this party now."

"What!? No! You just got here! Cmon, you gotta party!" Bunny whined. "Please! Please! Please, please, please!"

"Uh... fine," She sighed. "I'll stay. But if you don't mind... I'd rather just watch."

"Fine, just stay!"

Bunny left to go greet the other guests, and Alexis stayed.

"Why don't you go with her?"

"Who are you?" Alexis questioned. "I haven't seen you around lately.."

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?"


"My name is Samantha... now go away."

Hey everyone! This is the LAST OC! Thanks so much for entering

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Hey everyone! This is the LAST OC! Thanks so much for entering. I enjoy the variety of characters :) Samantha's appearance has been slightly altered but... yeah. I wanted her to feel less 'casual' looking and more mysterious.

Samantha is from Cristina-chan8828.

Question of the chapter: what's going to happen to Kaira?

Thanks for reading!

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