Finders Keepers (Juice)

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To find a person that understands you and your life is hard. Especially if you're apart of the Sons of Anarchy. That's why when Y/N came into his life, Juice swore to himself that he was going to try his hardest to keep her with him for the rest of his life.

She makes the noise in his head quiet if for just a little bit. Even then when it comes back it's not as bad. Some days it's amazing, some it's too hard to get out of bed but he does and hides the pain behind a goofy smile.

One day it was just too hard to hide it and that night when he got home and knew that Y/N was working late, he sat in the bathroom against the tub and sat staring at the wall with a stoic and dazed look on his face. Tears silently fell down his cheeks.

After an hour he got up and started to clean the entire apartment and arranged the entire apartment in order of how he saw fit with tears still falling down his face as he mumbled to himself. What he wasn't expecting was Y/N coming home early to spend some time with him.

"Baby?" Y/N's voice called from the door as she walked into the apartment.

"Y/N?" Juice spoke from the living room. Soon enough his footsteps picked up their pace to the entry way as Y/N stood there putting her stuff up and taking off her shoes.

"Hey, I was thinking we could order some take out and then catch a movie or play some games, cause- wait," she paused as she looked at his face that was streaked with tears. "Baby? You okay?" She paused again as she realized. "Oh, baby. Is it one of those days?"

Y/N made her way to her man and wrapped her arms around his neck as he nodded and wouldn't look her in the eye. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head into the crook of her neck and placed a kiss there as he breathed in her scent as the noise in his head slowly went away.

She pulled back and looked at his face with her hands on his cheeks as he grinned crookedly at her. She smoothed her hands on his face and rubbed at his scalp and down the back of his head and to his neck. She smiled at him and kissed him with as much love as she could poor into the kiss as possible.

"Now, I know what we need. Take out and movie night." She pulled him by the hand to the living room and sat him down on the couch before getting her phone out to call take out. "You sit down and don't move while I get us some beers and set up for tonight."

As she walked to the kitchen, Juice watched her with a daze look on is face but it was different then earlier. He was thinking of the woman in the other room with love and adoration instead of the loud voices from before.

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