Finding Him (Chibs)

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Moving to a new place was hard. Being from a different state was another story all together. When you heard that your parents were moving back to their hometown, you were not expecting another state. Which just so happened to be California. Charming, CA in fact. Even though you didn't live with you parents, you still wanted to be near them, just for them being family. Your house was across town from them so you actually had to drive through most of the town to get there, since their house was nearer to the entrance of the town you came through.

Halfway through the small town, you truck decided it was gonna give out on you. Now, you were not car savvy so when you broke down, you looked up the closest auto-repair shop. This being Teller-Morrow.

Sitting there for about 10 minutes, just waiting for a tow was the most anxious time of your life. You didn't know anybody, you didn't know the area, you didn't know anything about this new town. Just stories from your parents. Your anxiety grew as you finally saw a tow truck pull up behind you. Two men jumped out.

'Oh, geez. I don't know these men. I hope they don't do anything. They might rape me. They might beat me. They might strangle me.' You kept overthinking to yourself as the men walked up. Both had short hair and tall. One had scars on their cheeks, which if memory served you right, those were Glasgow smile scars. He was very handsome with them and he would still be handsome without them you thought. The other man had curly black hair and you could not tell the color of their eyes since they were both wearing sunglasses.

Reaching you, the one with scars spoke. As he spoke, he spoke with what you assumed was a Scottish accent. "Wha' seem da be de problem?"

You sighed and patted the side of you truck. "Just decided to give out on my way home."

"Alright, we'll bring it to the TM and you can fill out all the paperwork at the garage." The other man spoke.

Glancing at their work shirts you saw their names were Tig and Chibs.

Nodding, you reached in and grabbed the keys, handing them to Chibs. While Tig went to go get the truck ready for the lift.

"Ya' new round here?" He asked as you walked to the tow truck and he opened the passenger side door.

"Yeah, Mom and Dad moved down here, so moved with them. I got a house on the opposite side of the town from them." You told them.

He chuckled as he nodded. "Knew it. Haven' seen ya before. I woulda known if I'd seen someone as beautiful."

You said nothing as you bowed your head with a flustered look on your face, making him chuckle.

That was just the beginning of you and Chibs. You kept meeting up at random places which soon became dates with the man. Which then soon made you into an Old Lady.

Now, he did explain about Fiona early in the relationship, but you understood. You were always supportive of his decisions.

All of this led to now, you sitting next to your Old Man. Sitting at the family dinner table, sharing your happiness with everyone.

Thinking back, you grinned to yourself. Noticing this, Chibs put his hand on your thigh, rubbing it. "What's got ya so happy, darlin'?"

You smiled bigger at your man as you put an arm around his shoulders. "Nothing. Finding this place was the best thing that ever happened."

He chuckled at you as he leaned in and pressed a hard kiss to your lips.

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