Flex for Me (Happy)

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You and Happy were always a little open minded when it came to each other. You did keep to yourselves about your private life until asked. When asked what happens behind that dorm door, neither one of you were afraid to give an answer. Some of the answers were a little kinky, but what would you expect from a man like Happy Lowman.

One night, while at a typical MC party, you had gotten a little bit tipsy and was dancing very proactively in front of Happy and around the stripper pole. You were so focused on the music and the way it swam through your body that you didn't notice the small group of men gathered on the sofa near the pole. Jax, Juice, Opie, Chibs, and Tig had joined Happy in the show that was being given. Their eyes never left your person as you swung yourself around the pole and did some moves that you had use to perform a long time ago.

Soon enough the song ended, causing you to make your way back to Happy and sit in his lap. The rest of the troop sported a small tent in their jeans, that you barely noticed as you ran your fingertips lightly over Happy's neck and took a sip of your drink as you looked around the clubhouse.

"How in the hell do you do that?" You looked over at Juice and smiled confusedly at him.

"Do what?" You asked as you tilted your head at him.

"That!" He said as he pointed at the pole dramatically.

You giggled and put your head on Happy's shoulder as he ran a hand up and down your side as he stared hard at Juice. "I used to be in gymnastics when I was younger and I use to work out my upper body strength regularly." You said. You looked back at him and saw the others eyes had darkened slightly. "Plus, I use to do some interesting things in my extra time." You said with a smirk on your face.

Happy smirked to himself as the others gazed at you with slight awe.

"I think I'm gonna find my Old Lady now." Jax said as he got up and took off in a hurry.

"Me too, brother." Opie followed.

"What the fuck does that mean?!" Tig spoke with a slight squeak in his voice before clearing his throat. "What does that mean?" He said slower.

"It means what it means."

Tig stared at you for small while as you sat in your Old Man's lap, people watching. "You know, if Happy can't satisfy you than I can be just as flexible." Tig said bravely in front of Happy.

Happy paused his ministrations and narrowed his eyes at Tig. "I dare you."

Tig laughed and got up to go find a croweater for the night.

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