Mistakes (Happy)

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Warning: Cheating, cursing, nude

What happened on a run, stayed on a run. Which is one of the rules every Old Lady had to follow. Their man was allowed to sleep with a croweater on a run, as long as it didn't follow them home. Which you tried not to think about it because it hurt too much to think that Happy would do that.

Sometimes you thought he did fuck some crow while on a run, but then he always came home to you. But this was beyond hurt. This was a mix between hurt, pain, anger, and agony. You walking in on your man in bed with another was the most devastating thing you had every felt. You didn't say anything when you walked into your shared bedroom to see the two sleeping in the same bed, both naked and the sweat still glistening on their backs.

You stayed silent, trying to process what was going on before finally settling on rage. Pure, adulterated rage coursed though you as you slammed your jacket and backpack down onto the floor, making a loud thud sound through the room. The two in bed jerked awake, one looking around the room in confusion while the other drew a gun in caution to his surroundings.

"What in the fuck is this?" You gritted out.

Happy finally noticed you were in the room and his eyes widened as he sat the gun down on the night stand. His mind making quick work of the situation, making guilt and pain mask over his eyes.


"Yeah, me." You then turned to the bitch that sat up in the bed, covering her chest. She looked from you to Happy and back again.

"You didn't tell me you were with someone." The words that came out of her mouth made things so much worse.

You couldn't be mad at her, she didn't know. She didn't look like a croweater either. So, made a mental decision to try to calm down just to get her out of here.

You tried to breath calmly and closed your eyes before saying anything. "I think it's time for you to go. I think me and him have something to talk about."

You stared at Happy and he at you as you waited for the woman to get dressed and leave. Soon, she was gone, apologizing to you on the way out. You didn't say anything but the anger was moving through you faster than before. You were so angry that your eyes were starting to water with angry and hurt tears.

"I can't fucking believe you right now." You said.

He stayed silent for a second. Finally, he spoke as he rubbed his head, "I can explain." He said slowly. He knew you were just as crazy as him when you're angry and right now he was treading on thin ice.

"Well, maybe you should take that excuse and shove it where the sun don't shine." You said, crossing your arms. "I think you need to get your shit and get out."

He stood up, not even covering himself up and put his hands out, like that was gonna calm you. In fact, it made you even more pissed off.

"Oh, what do you think I'm gonna do? Attack you? Kill you? Oh, I wish." You said spitefully at him.

"Babe, c'mon. We can talk this out." His speech started to speed up as he started to realize that you weren't gonna let him explain. He couldn't lose you. You were his one constant. The one thing that was always there for him. He could not lose that.

"Oh, we are way past talking it out. In fact, I think you need to get your shit and go to one of your asshole brother's places." You said. You though that since the Sons were the ones that made it seem like it was okay to sleep on a run, then maybe he should just stay with them.

The whole sleeping with others on a run is what causes so much problems for relationships in this club. Once they start getting tastes for other's pussy, they never stop, even when they are home.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Well, since they make it seem like it's okay to sleep around maybe you should stick with them. They are just assholes that don't know what a relationship is, that you don't know what it is! I should have never agreed to be with you, especially once I learned about the 'what happens on a run, stays on a run.' Cause while the bitch that you sleep with there, stays there, your attitude and habit doesn't!" You rant at him. Your arms had dropped back down to your sides and your fist were clenched.

His face scrunched up with anger, the guilt and hurt falling off his face as you spoke ill of the club. "Bitch, you better know who you are talking to." He said as he pointed at you.

"Oh, I better know who I'm talking to?" You asked sarcastically, pointing at your chest. He nodded as your face fell into a serious mask. "Get the fuck out and never come back, otherwise no one will find your body ever again. Cause I don't think I can hold off murdering your ass anymore." You spit out as you pointed to the door.

In just a couple of steps, he was in front of your face. "I dare you." He said.

You scoffed and raised an eyebrow. "Bitch, please. I dare you!"

He huffed and just stared in your eyes before turning around and backed a bag of necessities and then rushed out of the house. All the while, you watched him.

Sons of Anarchy Imagines and One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon