Hidden (Happy)

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Happy was not living up to his name at the current moment. Cops had just sacked the clubhouse looking for him, Jax, Opie, Chibs, and Bobby while they were at Cara Cara.

The group stood inside the warehouse turned porn studio, discussing potential places to crash until the police cooled down.

"We could go up to the cabin?" Opie asked as he leaned against his bike.

"That would be the first place they would look." Jax sighed.

There was solemn silence as everyone thought on the situation. Happy sat on his bike with his sunglasses over his eyes, so the others didn't notice the discomfort and indecision in his face.

He let out a big sigh before speaking. "I got somewhere where we can crash." The others looked at each other before nodding in consent. He revved up his bike and nodded for the others to do the same and follow.

They all made their way around back roads, trying not to be noticed as they started making their way out of Charming. About an hour outside of Charming in a suburb area, they finally stopped at a decent sized house that had a Tahoe sitting in the driveway and some kids toys scattered in the front yard. The yard was big and the house itself was just as big with plenty of land. There was fence they had to go through to get into the driveway and even then it was brick and Happy had to punch a code in to open the gate leading up to the garage. They drove their bikes in front of the garage and turned them off as Happy got off and took his helmet and riding gloves off. The rest were looking around in the astonishment and confusion as to why their enforcer would know someone with a house like this.

"Stay out here until I tell you to come in. I need to let them know you are here." He started heading up the to the house as he muttered to himself. "That is if she don't kill me first."

The others looked around the yard and saw a trampoline off to the side of the house. Multiple children's' toys were sitting in the yard.

Jax looked at the house and saw a window curtain move in one of the upstairs bedrooms making him frown his brow. He then saw a window that had the curtain open, letting him see Happy talking to a woman who had a toddler sitting on her hip. She looked kind of angry but also complacent as Happy was telling her something, he assumed about the situation. The next thing happened shocked the hell out of him.

Happy smiled at the woman and then lean over to kiss her with a small force. They were still kissing as Jax's jaw dropped and without taking his eyes off of the scene in front of him, swatted at Opie standing next to him. He hit him a couple of times before Opie asked him, "What?" Without saying anything, Jax pointed at he window and Opie turned to look in the window just as Happy pulled back from the kiss. Both looked with wide eyes as Happy leaned in to the toddler boy and placed a kiss on his head as the toddler giggled at Happy.

Happy turned and then left the room and not but a couple of moments later the front door opened.

"You can come in now!" Happy yelled from the doorway and everyone made their way into the house. They took in the decently decorated front space and Happy pointed them into the Family room where the woman that Jax and Opie saw still standing with the toddler, but this time there were two more boys standing at her sides. The Sons stood there, staring at her as Happy went around them and walked up to the woman. One boy, who looked like a smaller version of Happy stood there with his arms crossed and a suspicious look on his face as he stared at the group in front of him. He looked maybe around 12 or 13 and the smaller boy was maybe around 7 or 8. The smaller boy held onto his mothers belt loop as he stared at the men that dressed similiar to the man standing next to him.

"Honey, this is Jax, Opie, Bobby, and Chibs." Happy said as he put an arm around your waist. The Sons widen their eyes at the man with a side they have never seen before from him. "Guys, this is my wife, Y/N and my sons; the little one is Cheuy" The toddler hide his head in his mother's neck, making everyone chuckle. He had curly brown hair and his mother's eyes with Happy's skin tone. "This one is Adrian," He ruffled the oldest boy's head who smiled up at his father. "And last but not least is Gabe." Happy said as he picked up the last boy who looked like his mother more than the other boys.

Jax sighed out as he reached forward and shook your hand. "Hi, nice to meet you." He said kind of skeptical as he raised an eyebrow at Happy. Happy raised one back as each Son shook your hand as you said the niceties back. Happy, Adrian, Gabe and the Sons all sat around the living room on the couches and chairs.

The Sons looked semi-awkward as they sat around as you sat Cheuy down who walked over to his father with his thumb in his mouth and climbed onto his lap and sat down facing the Sons.

"I'm gonna get some drinks and snacks, what all do you guys want?" You let out as you put your hands on your hips.

"Oh, you don't have-" Chibs started saying but cut himself off as you raised an eyebrow at him with a similar look to Gemma had when she made them do something. But for some reason yours was more scarier. He swallowed, as did the other Sons except Happy who grinned at you. "How about some coffee?" He forced out as the others nodded their agreement. You grinned at him with a satisfied look as you then looked to your husband.

He smiled, "Just some juice, baby." You nodded. You looked down at your boys and they all said the same. You ruffled your oldest's hair as you grinned and the turned to the kitchen.

As you busied yourself with the drinks, Jax turned to Happy and asked "When did this happen?"

"We've been together since before I was patched. We were married three years before we had Adrian. I've kept her secret so enemy clubs didn't use her against me. The only ones that know about her are the Tacoma charter and my ma." Happy said as he ran his fingers through the toddler's hair who leaned back and blinked his eyes slowly as if he was going to sleep.

"Well then." Bobby said as his slapped his thighs.

"It's adorable." Opie grinned at the Killa with playful intent.

Happy narrowed his eyes teasingly at Opie but said nothing. 

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