Forever Love (Happy)

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Warning: Character death, angst

Some people don't believe in soul mates. Happy didn't for the longest time. But when he met you he felt something in him become complete. He felt whole. Happy knew he had to protect you, especially from any rival club that took Old Ladies and killed them to get back at the Sons.

So, he kept your relationship a secret. Both from the Sons and to anything public. You two were married since you were 22 years old and he was 25. Now you lived next to his mother and helped took care of her. You never expected that after the last time he visited you, some one would take you. You couldn't remember how long ago that was. About four hours after your husband had left, a knock came on the door. You cautiously walked to the door and peeked in the eye whole.

You saw one man standing there. He was balding and wore a white tank top and had his hands behind his back. "Who is it?"

He smirked to himself. "My name is Darby and I'm in need of something."

You narrowed your eyes. "Well,-" You didn't get to finish talking as all of a sudden he kicked in the door and multiple men ran in the door. After that was blur as they had bashed you over your head. Over the course of the next few days, you would be woken up randomly with this Darby guy asking questions about the club. If you didn't answer the way he wanted, you'd get hit and at one point stabbed.

You never thought you'd see Happy again.

Until you heard gun fire coming from outside the building you were being held in. In the next instant men were running in and tried to barricade the door but it was too late. Men from the Sons of Anarchy were rushing in after them and took them out.

In a last ditch effort, Darby turned to you and shot you in the stomach. You screamed at the same time you heard Happy yell in the back ground. Soon the gun fire stop as your vision began to swim and your focus kept going in and out. You felt yourself being untied and pulled into a hard chest.

"Baby? Please, stay awake for me." You heard the husky voice of your husband being whispered into your ear. You forced yourself to stay awake and make yourself come into focus. Your eyes found Happy's, whose eyes were flooding with tears. You glanced around the room and saw some unfamiliar men around the room who looked distressed at the site in front of them. Some of them also had tears in their eyes at the site of their enforcer being heartbroken.

You looked into your husband's eyes and smiled. You didn't care that you were dying. You felt safe and warm in his arms. You didn't care that this would be the last time you saw him. You just knew that you loved this man.

"Happy," You forced out of your mouth.

Tears flowed down his cheeks, some falling onto your grim covered face. He caressed your cheeks.

"Yeah." He pushed out through his lips.

"I love you." You whispered into the silence as the life left your body. Your heart slowed and the stopped as the last breathe of air left your lips.

Happy's sobs worsened and then he screamed out in agony.

His brothers could do nothing but watch as their once thought emotionless Killer was weeping over his dead wife's body. 

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