Tig's Lover

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Being the new prospect was hard. You got hazed everyday and you have to constantly be on your toes. So when Tig started to flirt with you, you thought it was a joke. You were only here for about four months and you had noticed that Tig always made jokes of the homosexual kind.

It didn't really bother you. You've dealt with these kind of things in school but his were more harmless than anything. You didn't think he was into that kind of thing.

He made it very obvious that he wanted a relationship with you when one day while you stocking the bar and he sat at it, nursing a drink and watching you. No one was there when he asked you, "Do you not like me?"

You stopped and looked at him with squinted eyes. "Is...Is that a trick question?"

You paused. "Either way, yes I do like you." You told him as you turned to wipe down the bar.

"Then why do you never say anything whenever I hit on you?" He asked, irritated.

"You hit on me?" You frowned your eyebrows in confusion. You don't remember him hitting on you before. At least you didn't think so, you always thought they were jokes.

"Yeah, your attractive. I'm attractive. I think it would be perfect."

And that's how that started. You two were together since then. But you came to a problem. You two hide it from the rest of the brothers, and it was almost impossible to get any free time to spend together.

Soon other problems came up, like croweaters pushing up on him at parties. Going on runs and other things.

It got even harder when it was nearing time for you to be patched in. He was getting possessive and protective, which at any other time would have been adorable. When it got to you needing to prove yourself useful, it was hurting you at getting your top rocker.

The night before the Sons were going on a big run that drove through Mayan territory, he showed up at your apartment.

"Hey, babe." You greeted as he walked in the door. He didn't say anything but mumble to himself and started to pace the length of your living room. You watched him move back and forth before saying anything. "Babe, you okay?"

He stopped and looked at you for a moment. "I've come to a conclusion."

You raised an eyebrow. "Okay..."

"I love you."

You widened your eyes at him. That was a first.


He cut you off. "I know it's a weird time to say this. But since I've become so protective, I've realized that the only reason why I'm like that is because I love you. You don't have to say it but-"

"I love you, too."

He didn't even hear you as he kept rambling on. "I just had to get it off my chest. And-" He stopped and looked at you. "What?"

You smiled at him as you crossed your arms and stood in front of him. "I love you, too. "

He smiled big and pulled you to him in a hug. "Oh, baby." He mumbled into your neck. You smiled softly as you closed your eyes in happiness to be here in his arms. "You are the best man for me." He said as he rubbed your back.

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