No Means No (Happy)

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Warning: Cursing, harassment

Maybe going to a bar with the guys was a bad idea. At first it seemed like a good idea, but then you started to realize that you were getting a little too drunk. The guys didn't care, but they were kind of cautious about it since you incoherent to really make decisions for yourself at the moment. You were at bar with Happy, Juice, Chibs, and Tig when a man randomly came up to you and grabbed your arm.

"Hey, baby. Maybe you should come dance with me." His words were slurring together and he swayed a little on his feet. You glared at him and jerked your arm out of his hold.

"I don't think so." You turned back around and grabbed your beer and took a swig. Your Old Man smiled at you, with you smiling back at Happy. He usually didn't have to say anything, as you could take care of yourself, so he didn't usually have to step in.

He man grabbed your arm again, making you sigh in irritation. "Come one, baby. I think we all know that no means yes. You need to loosen up a little bit."

You turned and look him in the face and spoke to him, with the most innocent facial expression. "Listen, I didn't think you were that idiotic to not understand the word no, but I think I'm gonna have to give you lesson on your vocabulary." You grabbed his arm that was grasping yours and twisted it so it was behind his back and slammed him, face first, on a table nearby. The bar went quiet as their attention was then focused solely on you and the smelly man you had pinned. "The word of the day is no. N.O. It is a negative. It means the opposite of yes. Which is positive. Which in this situation, I was telling you that 'No! I do not want to go with you." He struggled a little bit, causing you to tighten your hold on him. "Hey, hey. Stay still. I think you need to listen. When someone says no, it means no. No does not mean maybe, yes, or any other variation of the word. No means no. No matter what." You let him go, thinking you got to him and he fell as you turned to the guys.

Each man wore a smile on their faces in amusement. You heard from behind you some shuffling, guessing he was getting up. "Bitch," He paused as he grunted in exertion. "You better know who you're talking to."

That was not what he should have said. You hated that word, particularly pointed at you. But your man hated it worse. You didn't say anything as you felt a breeze by you, your man making his way to the man.

"What the fuck does that mean?!? You calling my Old Lady a bitch?!" Happy gripped the man's lapels and shook him back and forth.

You just watched as Happy then dragged the man outside, sighing in resignation at the situation.

"Shouldn't have said that."

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