Anger Management (Juice)

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You weren't expecting to fall in love with a biker. Especially compared to your ex-boyfriends. Although Juan was a huge upgrade to you, because of the fact that you feel like he would be a better partner if you two ever decided to get married in the future.

One thing you loved the most was the fact that he always considered your thoughts and he was super sweet to the point where you had a sweet tooth when it came to him. So having him come home one night where he was close to having an anxiety attack was shocking. But you thought it was the club, maybe they were in a bad situation. That wasn't the case.

After you calmed him down, he explained that one of his 'brothers', Tig, had him so stressed out to the point that he felt like he had too much on his shoulders. Tig had doubled his work load at work and with club but adding his job onto Juan's work load.

At first, you weren't going to do anything. But when Juan sent you a text the next day saying that Tig did it again and that he was gonna be late, you felt anger boil underneath your skin. Didn't help that you got anger issues from your mother.

Your parents were born in Puerto Rico and moved here two years before you were born, but that doesn't lessen the fact that you had the fiery attitude of your mother that your father always commented on.

You started to become more angry as you thought about the fact that your Juan was feeling too much pressure. Finally you decided to confront this 'Tig' and explain to him that Juan was not going to be his bitch.

It took about 20 minutes for you to make your way to the Teller-Morrow Automotive. Your car screeched to a halt in front of the bay doors at the garage, making a man that was working on a car straighten up and wipe his hands on a rag.

You got out of the car and slammed the door and stomped up to the man. The man was in his late forties to early fifties with dark hair with grey streaked in his hair. He had scars running along each cheek and wore a Auto worker shirt with a name on one side of his chest but you were in a rage. You could only stomp your way up to him and ask, "Are you Tig?" Your accent was heavy as you talked to the man.

The man paused as he opened his mouth and frowned his brow. He didn't even think he should be answering but he did. "Nah, but aye coul' get 'im if ya wan'?" His voice was heavy with a Scottish accent. You breathed a harsh breath through your nose. Not realizing that you switched to Spainish you started to rant. "¡Consiga ese imbécil aquí ahora! Tengo algunas palabras para él! Si él piensa que está bien para estresar a mi Juan fuera aún más de lo que ya era, entonces él tiene otra cosa que viene!" You spoke so fast and the man could barely get anything out of you. ( Get that asshole here now! I have some words for him! If he thinks it's okay to stress my Juan out even more than he already was, then he has another thing coming!)

In the middle of your rant, he started talking but you weren't listening. Too much anger was fueling your actions. "Wait! Wait!" When normal volume wasn't working he placed his hands on your shoulders and raised his voice. "HEY! It's okay! It's okay!" Finally you stopped ranting as you placed your hands on your hips.

Your breathing was speeding up as he spoke soothingly. "I'm gonn' go get 'im an' then I'll be right back." You nodded as he turned and walked into the office that was off to the side. You put your hand up to your head and turned to your car and leaned against it.

Not but 10 minutes later, you heard a voice from the office. "Well, hello there, doll. What can I do for you?" You looked up and watched a tall man with curly black hair and blue eyes come walking out of the office.

Your body came so over powered with rage that before you even realized what you were doing, you had punched Tig in the nose and arms were wrapped around your waist.

"¡Hijo de puta! ¡Debería matarte! Si alguna vez piensas en herir a mi hombre de nuevo, te encontraré y enterraré que tus hermanos ni siquiera te encontrarán!" You yelled out at Tig who was sprawled out on the ground. The arms turned out to be Juan as he kept talking in your ear to get you to calm down. (You son of a bitch! I should kill you! If you ever think of hurting my man again, I will find you and bury you were your brothers won't even find you!)

By now a crowd had formed as other men started to come from out of a warehouse looking building across the lot.

"Baby, it's okay. Just calm down, breathe. Come on, just breathe." Juan kept talking in your ear to calm you down. His arms and words worked as you slumped against him but you still glared at Tig on the ground.

The other men were laughing at the sight of Tig getting his ass handed to him.

An older man had walked up to you two as he laughed at the misfortune of Tig. He had grey hair and mustache. Through laughs he spoke, "Juice, who is this chick?" He asked Juan.

You looked up at the man that was smoking a cigar and said nothing, deciding to let Juan speak.

"This is my Old Lady, Y/N. We've been together for about a year now." Juice explained to the man. "Y/N, baby, this is Clay. He's the President of the Club." He kept his arms around you and just held you to him.

The man clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head with a grin. 

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