Speedy (Juice)

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Juice was the goofiest guy you had ever met. Especially since the words he ever told you after staring at you for over 2 hours were "So, I guess you don't do after hours?" which made you laugh for a solid minute. After that, the rest was history. You started dating a couple of weeks later. Next thing you knew, you were his old lady and married for 4 years. And you couldn't be happier. You ended up gaining a family, although crazy but still family.

One morning, you and Juice were laying in bed on a Saturday. You laid there after waking up, just staring at Juice until he woke up. He opened his eyes and saw you watching him before he closed his eyes again but smiled that precious smile of his.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart." He whispered. Almost afraid to break the silence.

"Morning, baby." You whispered back. You both didn't say anything awhile before you finally turned over and pulled your phone to you to see the time. The sight made you panic when you saw the date. It was the day of a big party that you were supposed to be meeting Gemma and Tara at the garage in 10 minutes. You raced to get up and started to pull things out of the closet and dresser to make a decent outfit for the day.

"Baby?" You heard Juice from behind you. "What's wrong?"

"Juice, we have to be at the garage in 10 fucking minutes before Gemma gets on both of our asses." Next thing you hear is a curse from him as he raced out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. You pulled on some jeans and then went to grab a shirt and as you pulled it over your head it got caught on something. Probably the hair clip that you had hurriedly put in your hair. You growled to yourself as you struggled to pull it down and soon enough you got really tangled in the shirt.

You heard a laugh come from Juice as you kept trying to get out of the tangle. "Juice, baby."

He tried to stifle his laughter. "Yeah," He chuckled out.

"Help me, god damn it!" You yelled at him. He raced to your aid and helped you out of the shirt.

You then both raced to finish getting dressed and were both out of the house within 5 minutes. Hopefully Gemma wouldn't kick your asses too much.

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