Restless (Jax)

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Tonight was just one of those nights. Abel was at that stage where he was teething and he was up at random hours and tonight he was asleep one hour and the next crying up a storm. Jax had just got home at about midnight and you didn't want to wake him when Abel got up again at 1:30 so you got up as quietly as you could and walked down the hall to the baby boy's room.

Walking in, you could see Abel's hands and feet kicking and wiggling around. You walked up to the crib and leaned down to feel his cheek and his cries automatically calmed to a whimper. His blue eyes opened up and looked at you and you could just see that he was hurting.

"Hey, baby boy. Your teeth bothering you again?" You said as you picked him up and walked over to the stand across the room that held some teething rings that should still be cold. You kept some teething rings in the fridge to help with the swelling.

Abel buried his head in your neck as you put one of the rings up to his mouth and he automatically latched on. He loved his teething rings for some reason. You walked over to the rocking chair and sat down with him in your lap as you rubbed his back and his head.

You slowly rocked back and forth as the boy played with your fingers and rubbed his head into the crooked of your neck. Which was similar to what his father was just doing in the bedroom.

"You're okay, baby. You're just growing up to a big boy." You spoke to Abel in soft tones and kissed his head.

In the other room, Jax woke up to an empty bed and sat up, looking around the room in confusion before walking out of the room and walking down to Abel's room. He peeked his head around the doorway and smiled as he came to stand fully into the doorway and leaned on the door jam with his arms crossed. He loved to see you with Abel. Abel was like his father and was attached to you and loved to cling to you whenever possible.

You glanced up as you saw movement in the doorway and saw Jax with a smile on his lips. You smiled back as you leaned your head on Abel's. Soon enough, Abel was back asleep and you set him back into the crib and then you walked over to Jax. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you leaned on his chest and you both watched Abel in silence for a little while.

"I love you, Y/N." He said softly into your ear.

You looked at the man you were leaned up against. "I love you too, Jax."

He leaned in and kissed you and then pulled you back to your room. "You're so good with him. You do such an amazing job and a great mother to him. I appreciate you so much even though I'm not around as much as I should be." Jax said as you walked back into the bedroom and you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Hey, you are just as good of a father. I know you can't be here too much but at least you try, baby." You said and then kissed Jax with as much love as you could put into the kiss. 

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