So Close But So Far Away (Tig)

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Warning: Cursing, mention of death, cheating

It happened too fast for me to process what was going on. That day had started out just fine and the next thing I know what was happening I was in my bedroom at our once shared apartment as he banged on the door, begging me to open the door. I couldn't believe he would do this to our ten years that we had been together.

Meeting Tig Trager was a shock and a blessing in itself. At the time, I was struggling with things going on. My mother was sick and father had died 5 years before. I was spiraling into a pit I was afraid that I wouldn't climb out of. Until one day I met Tig Trager. He made me smile for the first time in what felt like years and he made me feel so much emotion. Within the year my mother died and I was broken but with him he slowly built me back up. Two years later I had his crow and the next year we were married.

Recently, he was acting unlike himself and being secretive which he never was. I was always in the know so that I could worry less about where he was and he was sometimes secretive about other things about the club but this was different. It was the same for a month before I found out what was wrong. He was sleeping around. With multiple women that weren't croweaters which seemed worse to me. What I had walked into was the single most heartbreaking thing that I could have happen to me since my parents' death.

After that it was sort of a blur. I sort of remember grabbing the bitch by her hair and dragging her into the middle of the room and slamming her face into the wooden floor and punching her hard in the face. Then I remember running out of the room.

I sat at the foot of the bed on the floor with my arms around my legs and let the tears slowly fall down my face as I held myself together as I curled more into myself.

"Baby! Let me in! I want to explain, PLEASE!" His voice just made it worse and finally I got up in aggravation and stormed up to the door and yelled through the door.

"There is nothing to explain, Alexander! You have been going behind my back with other women and this isn't some 'what happens on the road, stay's on the road' bullshit either! This was on home turf so you can't say shit!"

A broken sob came from the other side of the door as I finished speaking. A thump sound came from the door and what I assumed was his head hitting the door.

"Baby, I can't lose you, now. I'm so sorry for this but please I can try to make it up to you." He begged.

"Well, you should have thought of that before you decided to stick you dick into some other pussy. I can't even look at you right now and talking is almost impossible. Come back in a couple of weeks and then we'll talk, maybe. Maybe not cause at this moment I want to take that gun and shove so far up your ass that you spit bullets." I spoke through gritted teeth at him through the door.

With those last words I went back to my room. 

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