Never Boring (Chibs)

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It was date night and you were ready to go. Although, your Old Man, not so much. You stood in the kitchen, on your phone, waiting for Chibs when you heard a whistle. You looked up and smiled at the handsome man in front of you. He stood there with his kutte on but a nice pair of dark jeans and a dark gray button up. He wore a Newsboy hat on his hat, which added to the appeal that was Chibs.

"Don't you look dashing" You said as you walked up to him and kissed him.

"Me? Wha 'bout you, Y/N? Come here, baby. Let me see ya." He pushed your hands out to the side of you to get a full look at your outfit. Which was making everything on you look so appealing he was tempted to stay in tonight. But he promised you a date night and he was gonna give you one. He smiled widely at you before pulling you close to place a kiss on your lips, almost pushing you back. You leaned back at the kiss so you didn't clash teeth and giggled into the kiss. "Yer so beautiful" He whispered to you before pulling back and pulling you towards the door. "Alrigh', let get da nigh' started."

Time Skip

It started off amazing, at the little diner that you met at before making your way to a small carnival that was going on at the edge of Charming. It wasn't until when he started to make his way out to a small clearing that something started to happen. He was slowing down and looking around like he was lost, which to you seemed to be impossible. Charming is such a small town, it seemed to be impossible but apparently, it was possible. After a couple of minutes of just driving around he finally pulled off to the side of the road. He turned his bike off and you both got off.

"You got lost, didn't you?" You asked, laughing slightly.

"Nooooo, not really." He said, unsure. You laughed as you pulled out your phone.

"Maybe we should go back now." You said as you pulled up Maps and started to pull up a route back to the house.

"Aww, c'mon. Not yet." He looked around and spotted an area over to the side and then grabbed your wrist of the hand that had your phone. "Look, there is a romantic spot. We can act like teenagers and make out and what not." He said, pulling you along.

You laughed at him. You didn't object and just stared at him as he wasn't watching. You have never been happier as he spontaneously made up things to do.

Life was never boring with him. And you hoped it never ended.

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